Photographer Captures Perfectly Imperfect Dogs

Alex Cearns, an award-winning animal photographer created a book that is dedicated to portraying perfectly imperfect dogs. This uplifting and inspiring photo series artfully capture the beauty and the spirit of these different, and unique puppies.

Read more #1 Aryah Who Was Crushed In The Womb As A Puppy

#2 Mya Who Is Blind

#3 Dot Who Lost Her Eye

#4 Jessie Who Loves Her Wheels

#5 Bali Pip Who Was Suffering From Mange

#6 Puppy Jakk Who Was Born With Malformed Front Legs

#7 Vegemite Who Lost An Eye

#8 Bandit Who Was The Victim Of An Acid Attack

#9 Reuben And Keisha In Their Wheelchairs

#10 Penny’s Puppies Who Had Mange

#11 Lady Bug Who Is Blind

#12 Raul And His Wheels