Don't throw away sprouted garlic
Studies have found that the antioxidant content of sprouted garlic is higher than that of fresh garlic and peaks on the fifth day after sprouting, so it has better anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.
Garlic sprouts or garlic shoots are not only fresh and flavorful, but also a spice with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that are no less than garlic bulbs, which is very beneficial for our health. In particular, in addition to antioxidants, they are also superior in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and carotene. After sprouting garlic, as long as the garlic does not change color or become moldy, it can be eaten.
4 medicinal uses of eating sprouted garlic:
1. Strengthen the immune system
According to Lao Dong, eating garlic sprouts, especially 5-day sprouted garlic, will help strengthen the immune system, improve health when your immune system is weak or when you have a cold.
2. Prevent aging
The antioxidants in sprouted garlic help eliminate free radicals in the body, thereby helping to slow down the aging process, prevent the appearance of wrinkles as well as minimize the deterioration of organs in the body.
In addition, like nuts, beans, rice and cereals, the older the garlic, the higher its nutritional value.
3. Help prevent stroke
Sprouted garlic provides substances that prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, the nitrite in garlic cloves will dilate the arteries. Both of these substances work together to help prevent strokes.
4. Protect the heart and prevent c.a.ncer
The sprouting process in garlic stimulates the production of phytochemicals - a substance that can prevent the spread of cancer cells and inhibit the activity of carcinogens in the body.
Not only that, garlic also produces a large amount of free radicals, contributing to controlling the risk of cancer from the source. In addition, sprouted garlic also prevents plaque formation and has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system.
If sprouted garlic has these signs, it should be thrown away:
Garlic will easily sprout when left in a place with a lot of humidity and light. At this time, green shoots will protrude from the bulb to form a plant. Because the garlic bulb has been sucked out of some of its nutrients by the plant, its strong flavor and crispness can be significantly reduced compared to the beginning.
In addition, the garlic sprouts themselves often taste bitter, so you need to consider when keeping this part to prepare dishes.
Experts also warn that garlic sprouts well but is very susceptible to mold. If you observe that the garlic bulb has unusual dust spots and the garlic flesh also turns green, this may be a sign that the garlic has been attacked by mold, you should be bold and throw it away.
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