Former CLC’s Sorn Abused by “Violent” CEO, Suspected Fans

A recent TikTok has caused fans to suspect that former CLC member Sorn is being abused by her violent CEO.

On January 26, influencer Sabrina published a video on her Tiktok, where she discussed “one of the most traumatic experiences” that she had in the entertainment industry.

In particular, Sabrina recounted how her previous CEO forced 2 girls to sign a ridiculous contract by threatening and using violence with them.

According to Sabrina, the company took 50% of all gigs that she does, and did not do anything to help her career. She was “gaslit” into thinking that these terms were fair, and when she realized the truth, another artist under the company revealed to her various problematic information about their CEO.

The aforementioned artist was emotionally and verbally abused by the CEO, to the point she was crying every night, Sabrina also said.

Later on, the two girls talked about leaving the company, only for the CEO to discover their chatlogs and everything took a turn for the worse.

In particular, they were forced into a room, where the CEO attempted to make them sign an even more absurd contract, where they have to pay the company 50,000 USD every year for 5 years if they breached the contract or tried to end it early.

When the two refused, the CEO became violent and started to throw and slam things. He then separated the two and isolated them from each other – an experience which Sabrina described as “the most traumatizing night” of her life, where she sat for 3 hours, scared that the CEO would hit her.

However, later on when the CEO had a private conversation with Sabrina, he started to blame the other artist for being “volatile” and “suicidal”. In the end, Sabrina refused to sign the new contract, while the other artist did.

“In the end, she came to me, started crying, and was like, ‘Oh, I shouldn’t have told you in the first place,’ as if everything was her fault”, Sabrina said, recalling her conversation with the other artist.

Unfortunately, fans who saw the TikTok have discovered “evidence” that the other artist in question is none other but former CLC member Sorn.

In particular, Sabrina shared that the CEO in question hid that he is married, and that the company called artists under them “talents” – which matches the CEO of WILD Group and his company – to which Sorn is signed under.

Additionally, Sabrina previously mentioned that she was at Wild for 2 years, which matched the timeline in her recent TikTok.

On the other hand, WILD has responded to these suspicions by claiming that the allegations of emotional and verbal abuse are “unsubstantiated” and “grossly untrue”.

Meanwhile, Sorn herself also published a story, saying that she is “completely fine” and most importantly is happy, adding that she’s an adult who can make her own judgements and decisions.

However, the fans’ suspicions have not been abated, as discussions continue on SNS platforms such as X (formerly Twitter).