Four types of food should not be left overnight to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body: It can be dangerously toxic

Does overnight food cause cancer? Nutritionist: These 4 vegetables cannot be left overnight, the rest you can eat as you like!

In fact, when it comes to overnight food, the most common saying that many people hear today is that eating overnight food can cause cancer, so this statement also deeply affects many people. So whether there is a refrigerator in the house or not, those overnight dishes are still thrown away in vain.

Nutrition experts say that overnight meals are actually mainly due to storing food overnight. Nitrite content in food increases and everyone knows that nitrite will produce nitrosamine when the body consumes sodium. In fact, this is a very heavy debt, especially in severe cases it can directly cause liver cancer. , sore throat, etc. Because these meals are left for a long time, the original nitrate will be decomposed into nitrite under the decomposition of bacteria and temperature. In this way, if eaten, it will directly stimulate the stomach lining. thickening in the human body, thereby increasing the concentration of gastric mucosal damage. The ability to produce Helicobacter pylori bacteria means that in fact, although the overnight meals we often eat contain carcinogens, after careful processing and cleaning, this substance will actually decompose. So in reality, not everything that is eaten will cause cancer. Although not all meals need to be thrown away after leaving overnight, experts say that, except for these four ingredients that cannot be left overnight, other overnight dishes can be eaten as desired.

Let’s talk about the first type, which is uncooked soft-boiled eggs

Soft-boiled eggs that people often like to eat, actually this type of sugar-filled egg, as the name suggests, is a half-boiled egg, because this type of egg is very delicious, many people also like to eat this type of half-boiled egg. They also believe that the nutrition of this type of egg is much better than that of hard-boiled eggs. But in reality, these uncooked boiled eggs are often stored in the refrigerator and left overnight to easily produce many types of bacteria. These eggs should not be eaten overnight.

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Second is seafood

As we know about seafood, the most important thing when eating seafood is to enjoy the freshness of the seafood. However, when buying these seafood, some people like to buy a lot at once. The first time you cook it, if you haven’t finished eating it, just put it in the refrigerator until the next meal and then reheat it and eat it directly. However, many people will have diarrhea after eating this overnight seafood. They will start to have diarrhea soon after. Stomach pain is actually because if this seafood is left for a long time, it will produce something called protein degradation products. In fact, this type of degenerate product will cause certain harm and damage to the human liver and kidneys. This type of seafood left overnight is actually very easily spoiled, although the flavor of the seafood is good. overnight is not much different, but the nutrients in it have been decomposed so this type of overnight seafood cannot be eaten.

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Third is some green vegetables

Then there are some of the most popular overnight green vegetables, everyone knows that compared to other vegetables, green vegetables themselves contain a lot of nitrite, after leaving these green vegetables overnight, if No special preservation measures. Especially vegetables that are eaten cold and do not need to be reheated are easily contaminated with some bacteria. Eating these vegetables overnight at this time will definitely cause certain harm and damage to the body. human body.

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Fourth is the braised dish

The last sentence is the braised dish that people often like to eat. Especially for stored foods, in fact, many families basically buy a lot at once and store them directly in the refrigerator. In fact, this method of preserving stored foods is also very bad, even though everyone knows the temperature. of the refrigerator is very low, it does not easily produce bacteria but it easily produces mold. This type of bacteria actually has the ability to withstand cold very well, so if you put this braised food in the refrigerator, it will also produce mold. This type of mold exists for a long time. In this case, after the human body eats these braised dishes, it will easily lead to food poisoning.

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