Having “red flags” three times in a month, the girl sought medical help and discovered that the cause was her habit after each “intercourse”

The girl couldn’t have imagined that her habit of using emergency contraceptive pills would lead to such consequences.

Using emergency contraceptive pills continuously, the girl experienced her menstrual cycle three times a month ThS.BS Lam Quang Tung (a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology working in Ho Chi Minh City) stated that his clinic recently received a case where a girl experienced her menstrual cycle three times within one month due to this harmful habit. This was caused by the use of emergency contraceptive pills.

The female patient usually had a regular menstrual cycle every 27 days, but lately, her menstrual cycle became irregular. At its peak, last month, she experienced menstruation three times, which caused her extreme anxiety, leading her to seek medical help.

After investigating her daily habits and sexual activity, Dr. Tung realized that the continuous use of emergency contraceptive pills was the cause of the girl’s condition.

“The patient had a regular menstrual cycle. However, lately, she has been engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse. To prevent pregnancy effectively, she has been taking emergency contraceptive pills after each time. As a result, she experienced menstrual bleeding three times within one month, each time lasting for 5-7 days,” Dr. Tung shared.

This is one of the cases where experts want to warn all women: Absolutely refrain from taking emergency contraceptive pills more than twice a month. The habit of using emergency contraceptive pills recklessly can cause extremely frightening consequences.

What are the potential consequences of taking emergency contraceptive pills more than twice a month?

  1. Thinning of the uterine lining

Emergency contraceptive pills have a composition similar to daily contraceptive pills. However, unlike daily pills, the dosage of emergency contraceptive pills is four times higher. Therefore, it significantly suppresses ovulation and prevents the egg from attaching to the uterus, strongly inhibiting the fertilization process after sexual intercourse.

In the long run, this habit causes thinning of the uterine lining, which is harmful to reproductive health. For women in their reproductive age, this habit is extremely dangerous.

  1. Risk of infertility

Currently, there is no scientific evidence conclusively stating that abusing emergency contraceptive pills leads to infertility. However, based on the mechanism of action of emergency contraceptive pills, if used excessively, it will certainly limit the development and release of eggs. Especially after stopping the pills, the ovaries also need a considerable amount of time to recover, so this should be considered as the last resort for birth control and should not be abused.

Abusing the dosage of emergency contraceptive pills can cause thinning of the uterine lining and prevent egg implantation, leading to infertility. Experts warn that emergency contraceptive pills are considered one of the top causes of infertility, following only abortions.

  1. Risk of chronic diseases

Women who habitually use emergency contraceptive pills beyond the allowed dosage are prone to developing diseases related to the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, breast cancer, and reproductive organs. Therefore, women with heart disease or a risk of cancer should absolutely avoid using emergency contraceptive pills.

  1. Associated side effects

Using emergency contraceptive pills can lead to side effects such as irregular menstrual cycles, breakthrough bleeding, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. Therefore, women, in general, need to be extremely cautious when using emergency contraceptive pills.

Especially for those who use this type of pill continuously for a long period, the consequences will increase significantly. It should be noted: Emergency contraceptive pills are only for healthy individuals and should not be used more than twice a month. Exceeding the recommended dosage or having a weak physical condition can lead to unforeseen disasters.

“Young people today need proper sexual education, understanding the effectiveness of condoms in preventing unintended pregnancies. This is a scientific method of contraception that has fewer side effects compared to many other methods,” emphasized Dr. Tung.