Home Food Hey Pandas, Any Tips For A Person How Thinks They Are LGBTQ+,...

Hey Pandas, Any Tips For A Person How Thinks They Are LGBTQ+, But Doesn’t Know How To Figure Out What They Are?

I THINK I’m bi but am not sure how to tell. Any tips?

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First of all, relax about the fact that you don’t know yet. It takes a lot of time to get to know yourself, so don’t feel guilty if you’re not in that spot yet.

Second, and this is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt, but you don’t have to really have to know your sexuality. I know it’s cool nowadays, but you don’t have to know these things just to fit in with others. Make your own journey, and carve out a path for yourself.

Also, just try to mingle, socialize and interact with many people. The attraction to certain type will occur naturally, and it will help you explore the subject.



Don’t try to label yourself. Just do what feels right and ignore what people think you should feel.



You can change who you love or what pronouns you are whenever you feel like it. Try to be comfortable with yourself no matter what you identify as. Remember, people usually won’t judge you for not having everything figured out, we are all still learning



Be nice to yourself along this journey.



Just be patient. It took me a long time to find the right sexuality and even longer to find my gender. But now I’m happy and living my best life. So just wait.



just f**k around a bit



i find that most people that are bi/pan/omni dont care about gender, it took me a while to figure it out but im pan i dont care about looks or body type, i love everything i can because i want to be loved in return and thats just how i feel, you just have to follow your heart and trust it leads you to the people you want to find, you dont have to fit into any one specific category or label because after all, love is love


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