Home Food Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Embarrassing Scenario You Have Ever Been...

Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Embarrassing Scenario You Have Ever Been In?

What is the most embarrassing scenario you have ever been in? Share below!

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I was a journalist traveling with our vice president. During a flight, our then communications minister, who was part of the VP’s entourage, walked to the back section to talk to us, journalists. He kept on standing while chatting.

Not long after, the VP came over and I immediately rose from my aisle seat to take pictures of him. At some point, I thought I needed a lower angle for my pictures and just sat on my seat.

I heard people giggling, but ignored them and kept on taking photos. When I was done, I was shocked to learn that I had been sitting on the minister’s lap!

Apparently he took my seat when I was busy taking pictures of the VP! And he said nothing the whole time!

That became a hot topic throughout the 2-day journey.



At my first job, my then-boss drops off a beautifully wrapped gift on my desk while I had stepped away. I shared an office with a colleague, so when I returned and saw the gift, I asked her who brought it and she told me. I grabbed it and walked over to my boss’ office with a HUGE stupid smile on my face and told him he was the sweetest boss ever and was just gushing over the gift, saying I didn’t even want to open it as it was too beautiful wrapped. He let me finish and finally said, “Silly…I need you to ship that to (insert client name). You are a funny, silly girl though!” Needless to say, I turned all shades of red, at which point he realized I actually thought it was for me. He was a really nice guy and said, “Oh come on, don’t be embarrassed, it was my fault for not leaving you a note with it.”



This is the story when I was at a stage where my boobs were neither fully grown nor flat in my chest. So, once I was wearing this mustard yellow body hugging t-shirt. I had not started wearing bras, only a thin cotton strap inner wear. We were at a reception and ACs were going in full blast. I had no idea that my nipples were visible prominently due to the cold in that shirt. No one, not even my sister told me anything. I went to the washroom to wash my hands and saw the nightmare. I had no idea how to flatten them. There were approx 200 relatives at that reception.



I’ve told this story once before on bored panda, but here it is again. I was singing in front o



Not the most embarrassing, but I tripped my former crush



Falling up the stairs at work…demonstrating competence when it counts!


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