Home Food Hey Pandas, Share Some Problems That We Can Fix

Hey Pandas, Share Some Problems That We Can Fix

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Ok so my best crud and me ( I will call her violet ) where in Art where I was showing my work to the teacher when I come back she has drawn a heart on my chrome book in pencil and when violet tried to erase it it wouldn’t come off so I huffed put my chrome book away and ignored her later and later that day she blows up on me for ignoring her for such a silly thing. Should I apologize?



Ok, so I’m sick with some cold and I feel brain fog. Does anybody know what could help remedy this?
And no, it’s not corona, I’ve tested myself twice.



Everyone always thinks I’m dating someone, at school and at home, when really I’m not. I don’t know how to get them to stop but I really want to seeing how annoying it’s getting now that my crush is involved in the assumptions.


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