Home Food Hey Pandas, Tell Me What Self-Destructive Stuff You Do

Hey Pandas, Tell Me What Self-Destructive Stuff You Do

By this I mean like being able to silently cry or apologize for everything.

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If I ever cried myself to sleep I would turn my pillow over so no one would see the wetness.

I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry my heart out making no more noise than a whisper.

I can identify people walking, breathing and voices from other parts of the house with my for closed. I could also identify the people they were talking to one the phone and ,therefore, identify who the person was. Same with TV shows. This one is mainly because I was on my phone late at night and didn’t want to get caught. Also ,apparently , some people can’t do this.

For these problems I contacted child support lines and that really helped. A good one is childline if you live in the UK.



I can cry silently


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