Home Food Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space For Secrets You Want To...

Hey Pandas, This Is A Safe Space For Secrets You Want To Get Off Your Chest

It can be anything, really. If you have anything you really need to state but don’t have a trusted person to speak to, this is your place.

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As a 13-year old computer-nerd I almost tanked one of the biggest companies in the country’s server-park including backups, by spilling a full can of pepsi in a server room. Noone saw it, and I’m still clear to this day. But man I was f-ing fast out of there 😀



It wouldn’t be a secret anymore if I told you, now would it?



Hearing people say that if a woman has a C-section that she is not a real mother is like a knife in the gut. I have two children and would have loved to have them naturally. The closest I got was giving birth (per say) to a miscarried child at 22 weeks. His twin was removed via D&E. A C-section is NOT the easy way out and it doesn’t lessen the love a mother has for their child. People think before opening your mouth.



I really like the movie “Tank Girl” and I don’t mean ironically. I know its horrible but it brings me so much joy to watch it.



I paid for her sons glasses without her knowing



I’ve been depressed for a long time but I’m taking my time to find out who I want to be



Actors and musicians and politicians need to stop spreading bullshit misinformation about COVID vaccines. We all need to get one so this can stop!



I cant come out. I’m in a safe, loving home but I can’t.
To me coming out as bi means jumping off a cliff of safety into the unknown.



I lied on my initial resume for work 12 years ago and I mean everything. Degrees, former jobs, and expertise. I have been with the same company and have been promoted multiple times up to director and run a team globally with around 1500 people reporting to me at any given point….I have to lie from time to time when people talk about my past and it kills me to lie but I love that I can support my wife and daughter without worrying about money. It’s a constant level of shame and pride.



my best friend moved all the way to the other side of the country and i miss her so much and i pretend im okay but in reality it feels like my life has no meaning anymore, and she was one of the only things keeping me alive. now that she’s gone i just want to end it all but i can’t tell anyone because im scared they’ll just tell me “oh she’s the one who moved she has it worse than you” and ik, i just dont know why its hitting me so hard and i hate it



So, you wanna know where the bodies are?



I am dating a non-binary person



TW for s*xual assault:
When I was 12 I was sexually assaulted by my nephew Who was an older teen at that time around 17 I think. It really hurts to keep this inside and not tell anyone at home about it but at the same time I feel like there’s no point in telling them because all it would cause is family problems plus I don’t I’ll be able to answer their questions or explain it to them in details so it’s just easier not to open up…I wish I opened up at the time it happened. I thought I forgave him for religious reasons but it still hurts me and I end up crying randomly sometimes, it’s been 4 years and I still feel uncomfortable seeing him although I just talk and pretend nothing happened because that’s what he does and I bet he’ll gaslight me if I confront him about it



I have a really bad case of negativity. I always map things out in the worst case scenario and it brings me and others down. Does anyone have any solution at all?



I still love my ex. It’s been 3 yrs since. Pretending that i just want to be single etc. A lot of people believing at my advice so i just keep my feelings. I don’t want them to see that the person they believing doesnt even know how to move on. I still love her even thou we didn’t talk for a long time. I just keep ignoring it but i know i still love her



I’m really angry at my husband who died 6 years ago. I’m not angry because he died, I’m just angry.



I’m thinking I might be bisexual, but honestly I don’t know. I know I’m attracted to guys, but I’m really not sure if I’m attracted to girls yet. Also, I am super worried about one of my friends. He’s really depressed and I don’t want to lose him seeing as I may or may not have a crush on him. I know there’s no way I can fix it seeing as I have mental health issues too (bad case of anxiety), but I’m trying to figure out a way to help him in some other way.



Shhhhhhhh………… I’m hunting wabbits.



ahaha I’m sorta in love with my best friend…No clue how to tell her so for now it’s my little secret. 🙂



One time I drew on the wall of my parents house with a crayon when I was a kid and blamed it on my little brother who got punished instead of me. I pity the single child, no one to point your finger at to escape punishment!



I don’t care how bad it is, Sharknado is the best movie series I’ve ever had the honor of watching



I find it really hard to talk to other people about my depression and how I (almost) committed suicide. I feel like all I would get is pity and people telling me not to do it. I’m not going to because I’ve changed my mind and I am not in the place I was. Any advice??



I know the meaning of life, but I’m scared to tell anyone about it. But it does involve cake.



my secret is a black jellycat bunny plushie who comes everywhere with me in my pocket