Home Food Hey Pandas, What Would You Really Like To Rant About?

Hey Pandas, What Would You Really Like To Rant About?

This has always been a question bugging me because I can’t read people’s thoughts.

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Any type of instructional videos on YouTube.
Listen, I don’t need your life story before you get to the actual instructional part. Just get on with it.



Hey. You. Online recipe people. I. DON’T. CARE. ABOUT. YOUR. BACKSTORY. Why can’t you just say, “get some butter,” but NOOOO. IT ALL HAS TO START ON A LITTLE FARM IN TENNESSEE. Sorry, it just kinda annoys me.



People who are antivaxxers and tweet about it. Just because YOU don’t want a vaccine you don’t need to spread lies online to discourage others from getting vaccinated.



I’m getting bullied at school and the principal told me that I need to try an dress normal so I get left alone. Victim blaming it’s not fun and my confidence is way down and i’m borderline depressed right now. So one help me out please.



The hypocrisy of the republican party in the united states and their followers blows my mind. I get it that the democrats aren’t any better but damn it’s so obvious.

I read about a horse medication that people are trying to use for covid. So we have a fully cleared medical vaccine and people would rather take a horse dewormer instead?

The USA just pulled out of Afghanistan. Messy no matter who would be president. But trump and his stooges turn a blind eye that they were the ones who made the deal in the first place.

The 2nd amendment is only good as long as your a white male. Back in the early 80’s California banned open carry of firearms that are loaded. The governor at the time said that any honest citizen doesn’t need a loaded gun in public. The governor was Ronald Reagan. The prophet of the republican party.



Ivermectin. I am so royally pissed off about this. I have goats, and am in a state that has had way too much rain this year. The result is that parasitic worms are horrible this year. But some a** wipe decided that this livestock dewormer could cure covid. The covid is rising almost exponentially because you idiots won’t get vaccinated, and you don’t wear masks, because it infringes on your rights, but you want to injest a chemical you know nothing about because some uneducated influencer tells you to?
How Stupid are you people?
Meanwhile I still need to worm my goats, and 1/3 of the dewormer cocktail I give them is not available. Thank-you so much for making it impossible to take proper care of my animals. ( last sentence was Sarcasm) If I can’t get rid of the worms some may very well die of anemia. It will be your fault. Grow a brain! It’s too late to grow a heart. You obviously only care about yourselves.



Give me anyone to yell at and a valid reason to yell at them. I WILL yell at them. But not over text, I’m too lazy to type thia stuff out.

but anyway there is this awesome dress I have that has deep ✨ pockets ✨ but a slender waist and I’ve been struggling to fit it over my waist and then I find out that there are zips one the side for that very reason and I’ve been nearly ripping it for absolutely no reason.

Also I love how all the current replies are ranting about serious issues and I’m here like… I can’t fit into my dress because I was too oblivious to see the zip.



How humans have f ucked up everything. Destroying the planet, killing animals, killing ourselves (Genocide), causing extinction (Passenger pigeons, Dodos, Moas etc), polluting. List is endless. Prior to us everything was ticking along fine, then we came along and sh at on our own doorstep. We’ve really f ucked up everything.



The anti mask and anti vax snowflakes. They are getting covid and plugging up the hospitals which is resulting in medical staff getting burned out and even worse, people like cancer patients having their treatments delayed. Not to mention keeping this thing going.
These worthless clowns should be the last ones let in for treatment. If they die then that is just part of their “gimme libburty ‘r gimme deth”.



People don’t get bullied because they dress weirdly or because they’re not empowered. They get bullied because someone is bullying them.



People who tailgate, especially if you are behind a vehicle going under the speed limit. Like what do you expect me to do? Push the lead car?

People standing too close at the check out. Even with the pandemic there are people who literally bump their cart into you while you are checking out.

Those who stare when a person is upset. Specifically when my mini munchkin is in meltdown mode. I’m doing my darndest to find a quite place or find the nearest exit and you staring or glaring at us is NOT helping.

Litter, especially when a trash bin is within sight of where the person dropped their trash.

People dumping animals. Nobody can predict what may happen and sometimes a person absolutely cannot keep a pet, but most vet clinics will take in a pet if a shelter is unable to do so. Animals control could put you in touch with someone who can take in a pet. They are not trash, don’t treat that way.



Look at all the masks blowing around on the streets and in parking lots! Can’t people pick them up if they drop them, sheesh!



Access! Every city managershod have to get around a city in a wheelchair



I think cancel culture is absolute poison on multiple levels.

Instead of inviting people to an important conversation, it isolates them. At worst, the only lesson they get is that ‘those people who think [popular viewpoint] are all a gang of bullies,’ which just sends people back to their old ways and groups, more hateful than before. Then those bullies feel accomplished for treating someone with a different view like crap, which is no better a lesson.

In the end, it always ends up polarized into ‘us vs them’ which ruins any chance of discussion. There’s never an option of, “I like this person but still feel they did something wrong and should learn” or “This is really abhorrent behavior but it’s totally unrelated to their job.” From a practical sense, whatever they are cancelled from gets screwed over – being forced to remove an employee is never helpful, and affects many people.

I think the worst example was Liam Neeson – he told a repentant story about how his racism was fueled by a tragic event and all he could blame was ‘a black guy,” which sent him off into a pointless blind rage. The internet quickly ignored all context and started attacking him for being a racist, completely missing the opportunity to talk about how racist thoughts are born and can be overcome, and what makes people learn and change.

The idea that someone should lose their job and never be allowed to work again because they are not progressive is contrary to the progressive idea that people can learn and change and pay their dues. Moreover, the historical digging (i.e. tweets, comments, media, products from years or even decades ago) portrays the fantasy that we should all be perfect in our pasts and should never be expected to change. The exaggerated shock and awe at ‘I can’t believe people from 50 years ago didn’t know what I learned 3 years ago’ benefits nobody.

*This is all separate from illegal behavior, which should be handled in the legal system. That system needs to develop as well, but that can only happen with constructive conversation to get support.



Unless you are passing, STAY OUT OF THE LEFT LANE. When you are done passing move to the right lane. It’s not that hard.



Probably not considered a big issue, but I hate it when teachers have blatant favouritism. I know having favourite students will be inevitable, but when you ignore most of the class to only communicate to a couple of students, it’s really upsetting.



Wait! I have another one! Writing an answer for an “Ask Pandas” question (such as this), clicking the “Publish” button, and then suddenly discovering some grammatical error or typo that you made and can now never ever fix! Utterly frustrating!



The cost of health care and prescriptions in the USA. I have diabetes and my medications, without insurance, would run me about $2400 per month alone (4 prescriptions.) That’s not counting being required to go to my doctor every 3 months ($200 per visit with insurance $468 without) to have labs ($98 with insurance every 3 months $389 without.) At my last OB/GYN visit, I had a procedure done in the office that, upon looking at the bill, cost me $6500 for my deductible for insurance. Without it..it would have cost me $22,000.

And don’t even get me started on surgeries and cancer treatments. My mother-in-law had a life threatening illness that required infusions every week. Her insurance covered all but $600 of it. Added up over the time of treatment and she spent $6000 in a matter of 10 weeks…and she passed anyway.

In the end, she wasn’t sure she wanted to continue treatments because of the cost. In what kind of society to we live in where a person would rather die because the only option for living means being in poverty for the rest of your existence. A pretty crappy one. I hope all those millionaires that profit from the medical insurance and prescription companies choke on their caviar.



Aw look, I can’t help thinking that nowadays people just don’t communicate with each other about their feeling, their needs and their wants. Just going along and then getting heated because someone is less than effective, doesn’t help anything. Can’t they sit down quietly, agree to take turns talking while the other one listens, will really let us all get along better. Don’t judge. Just listen.



Omg this post is a blessing. Ok here goes…PEOPLE IN GROUP PROJECTS WHO DO NOTHING!!! Why do they get the same grade even if they don’t know what they’re doing?! And what’s just as bad is the control freak that deletes everyone else’s work! And then they blame others for not contributing like wtf. So in each type of group project group, there’s always someone blaming you for being the other type of person, if that makes sense. So you’ll be in a group where the others are slacking off, but they say you’re a control freak and doing all the work. But when you’re in a group where someone IS a control freak, they say you’re slacking off. I hate this.



I have a whole list! Lol! These days, it’s mostly how people don’t seem to understand the difference between facts and opinions. I read a saying once, and modified it. It sounded better, in my opinion, lol!
Just because you have a right to your opinion, does not make your opinion right. (Nor does it make it a fact for everyone, and don’t expect everyone to agree. Respect that.)



If you can’t count them, you have LESS. If you can count them, you have FEWER. It has LESS fat, but FEWER calories. I have LESS money, but FEWER dollars. When less is used incorrectly (this has less episodes), it sounds to me like the equivalent of “I have very money” or “I have many money”. It’s such a simple rule, and yet I see “professional” writers misuse this all the time.



So sick of All men being lumped into the “scary man creeped on me”!
Wish I had a dollar for every woman I helped out. My wife waited for me outside a church so she could give me her number. Is that creepy?



1. The fact that everybody seems to feel misunderstood by society and has this intense need to talk about themselves in an effort to make others understand just “who” they are on some deep level. It’s like everyone sees themselves as important or intelligent or philosophic or prophetic or something and feels like “everyone will finally realize it” if they can just talk about themselves until they’re blue in the face. Coincidentally, everyone these days is also simultaneously terrible at listening to / caring about other people and – if they do “listen” – it’s usually obvious that they’re just waiting for the person to shut up so they can go on talking about themselves. Everyone wants to talk, no one wants to listen. It’s both comical and sad.

2. The term “influencer” and ESPECIALLY anyone who refers to themselves as an “influencer”. It’s like someone referring to themselves as “the most popular kid in school.” Well, sorry, but while you might have been interesting a second ago, your ego inevitably makes my mind say “go f**k yourself” and I will pretend like you dont exist forevermore.



This has happened to me so many times, and I am absolutely FED UP! When someone is hurt, don’t say, “Oh, it can’t hurt that much” because you are not the one feeling pain!

There’s another thing, I used to be bullied because I didn’t know what some popular thing was. If you see someone like that, remember that they may not have the same taste as others!

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.



I am ashamed that ignorance has become a point of pride for people and way too many believe their opinion overrules any fact. I am disappointed that too many lack the critical thinking skills to tell the difference. I am furious that billions believe their personal freedom is always more important than people dying. I am despondent that our loss in trust of experts has now doomed our children to likely extinction.



Just basically how the UK government … and all the ones for at least the last 30yrs has failed in terms of educating children. I learnt very early on in my girl’s development that the school system was going to teach her jack s**t. I’d be astounded when I’d ask her stuff like basic stuff when she was at various stages and she’d be saying ‘i don’t know…… we’ve not done that yet’, when i knew for damn sure we’d already covered that already when i was her age in it. Through no fault of our own our kids are turning out more specialised, but in general terms pretty thick in terms of broad knowledge.



PLAGIARISM. PERIOD. If you’re gonna say post someone else’s art, GIVE THEM CREDIT FOR IT. Dont just claim it as your own!!! Even if you think this is ok, the original owner of the artwork might find you claiming to own it, and they can report you for it. Moral of the story… if it’s not yours dont take it



Just realised I forgot to add it in the description.

Subscriptions. I do want to read a news story, but if I have to pay $30 (HKD) just to read some dumb article about cats bumping into walls, then no.

There are a lot of other things too.

Apple updates. They take so long, and the actual thing that results is something useless! Assistivetouch just makes it harder for me to do anything on my phone, and MacOS Big Sur- well… it’s actually the login screen that aggravated me. I can’t change it, but it just… it takes so much of my willpower not to smash my computer to the ground.

My SIM card. The data thing, you know? It has 50GB in it, and even though it’s prepaid, it expires after one month. MAKE UP UR MINDS YOU STUPID CU@$S! And then, after all that, my SIM card expires 120 days after activation! That means that my phone number will change in 3 months! I hate you so much!

Phone cases. I have one that is filled with water and glitter. It’s a time bomb waiting to break my phone.

Spam callers. I live in Hong Kong. Usually the callers talk in super fast Cantonese, and the second they get any hint that you don’t know Cantonese, they immediately hang up. It’s wasting all of my data. I only get a few hours of phone call per month, and those f$@&ing cu&ts waste so much of it.

Ads. Maybe they’re a great way to spread word around, but they cover up so much stuff. Public transport in Hong Kong is covered up by all of it. The buses are supposed to be painted a nice pattern, but it all gets covered up!



This one’s petty, but I like to read stories of revenge on various websites. They’re entertaining. But what really annoys me for some reason is why the author feels the need to put “this is important for later”. No duh, dummy! It’s part of the story! If you are putting things not relevant in the story, just take them out. But don’t be so lacking in self confidence you already have to make excuses for people you suppose are already bored, “…I promise I have a point and that this is going somewhere!…”

Thanks for listening to my rant.






My rant is probably an age thing. Young people (under 60, lol) who insist on using the words “like” and “basically” several times in every sentence as in:
Basically, like, I told him, like, basically, he couldn’t, like, basically, use, like, that ATM as it wasn’t, basically, like, working, like.
Minor rant, I know.






I’m going to full on rant right now.



The advertisements I keep seeing on YouTube for the US army and navy and stuff like that… really bother me. They’re very obviously making it seem like a video game, similar to like Call of Duty or whatever all the shooter games… Like they have special “characters” with special “abilities” like “The Chameleon” and “The Sniper” and… I thought society was all bothered and COMPLAINING cuz they think that violent shooter video games lead to kids thinking real life violence is okay, and now the army thinks they can CAPITALIZE on that?! Also, BTW, kids thinking real life violence is okay due to violent video games ISN’T ACTUALLY A REAL THING. We’re legitimately not tricked by the advertisement with dramatic music and cool-looking images because at the end it says “join the US army.” It’s so completely utterly different. To defend your country and actually go kill other real people… it’s so much more serious and… I don’t know, I don’t know why this hits a nerve with me but it bothers me!!



1) Further to the tenth entry, in these respects our government’s have failed us, for at least 30 years they were more than adequately warned, all the evidence was there and they did nothing, the self-seeking irresponsible bastards.
2) Teaching children religious history as if it were as true and valid as properly recorded and verified history; and this often being taught by people who know it isn’t or can’t all be true. This cannot be more wrong – we have an obligation to teach children the truth as far as we can, not brainwash them with ideology and myth.



Why will you follow your mechanic neighbor’s advice about a medical problem when you would never take your car to the doctor to fix its transmission? In all things, listen to the person who has devoted their life to something over the person who devoted an afternoon. An expert becomes that way by realizing everything they first learned was wrong because the explanation was too simple. I may have learned the two second following rule in driver’s ed but it takes a professional truck driver to keep from destroying cars coming down off a mountain.



How people and companies treat people with disabilities. When I was looking for a job I would get to the final stage of the interview and be a total shoe in for the job and then as soon as they learned about my disability it was all “Sorry but you’re not what we’re looking for”. Just because some people are either born different or have had a serious health condition does not mean that they can’t do any job. Because of this the only job I could get is a very physically demanding job which isn’t actually good for me and is causing my health and body to suffer. I need to work in order to pay my way in this world and the skills I have are just going to waste



I want to take a moment to talk about how people use eachother, coming from my own personal experience. I’ve lost count at how many people I have helped but I like doing it. I enjoy seeing the smile on my friends faces and detecting they are happy makes me happy too. I’m emotionally sensitive which means when I feel an emotion, I too get that emotion. However of all the times I have helped and repeated helping people, when it came time to help me with my issues, none of them wanted to know saying how they had no time to help me because they were so busy and that nothing they would do would help so why bother? It’s like, Thanks guys. Means a lot you all just abandoned me in my time of need

And what the hell is up with jobs refusing me because I am autistic anyway? I never got the help I needed in school so some of my grades are high up and other way down and I was constantly bullied for being different. And now the Adult world does this too? Just what the hell was I looking forward to when I left school behind?

Because of people doing these things to me, I have depression, Anxiety, Psychosis and suicidal thoughts. Finding a therapist is hard as well. No one should ever say “Get over it” or “It’s not that bad”. What does that even fix? Put in some effort once in a while or even just a minute of thought and the world would be a far better place for everyone

Ultimately, what I’ve always wanted is for people to see me for who I am instead of what i am and to show the level of care I gave to others. I never asked much but why do people always hurt you when you try and reach out for help?

New topic: Racism and Sexism. What the hell happened there? Who the hell says people are worth more than others because they are white males? As a white male myself, I can say with perfect clarity That being a woman or being of a different ethnicity means absolutely nothing. Everyone is equal in that regard so why can’t we act like it?

New topic: Twitter. Twitter twitter twitter. What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t go 5 seconds without being so damned toxic, you push away everyone new and form hate groups for every opinion different from your own. Sure it’s nice to have people who have the same opinions as you but that’s no excuse to shut everyone else down

Antivaxxers and people like them. I don’t even know where to begin. What on earth made you think things like Vaccines cause Autism or that they are chipped and Bill gates can read your mind? If anything, Autistics make up a good number of the worlds greatest minds and scientists who are alive today. Doesn’t this mean that Autism causes vaccines? Abd if Bill Gates wants to read my mind, go right ahead. He might even find a new hobby to invest his free time in while he’s in there

Conclusion: The world is a mess. people did this. I’m trying to fix myself, everyone else should too



When dogs die in movies/books/TV shows for NO REASON. Look, I get it when it’s important for the plot or something, but I read this one book where the main girl got a dog which got hit by a car literally three pages later. It then wasn’t mentioned for the rest of the book! It especially hurts now, because my
best friend’s dog died after she’d only had it for a week. It’s just pointless misery!



Meniere’s Disease – I am now deaf with a cochlear implant and can no longer enjoy music. It SUCKS!



Bro I wanna rant about my friends. Like… I dunno, is it just me? Why do I keep getting left out by these people? (I mean, really just two people but still…) One is related to me, we’ve been friends since they were born and I was 1. Basically 17 years now. The other is a pretty new friend that I met 2, 3 years ago — but they’re through that first friend.
Idk if it’s my family issues (another thing I’d prolly like to rant about), but I’ve been desperate for social interaction and they keep denying me… And hanging out with each other. And telling me about it when I’ve already said I’m going through tough times, I don’t need them to rub it in my face.

Oh and web comics lmao, I really just wanna go off on what I’m reading, my thoughts on them and the absolute insanity of them.



Sooo my school- where do I start?

The worst thing isn’t even the boring classes or that. It is the fact that they are currently rebuilding the entire roof and floor under that. And almost everything else, but yeah, that’s the main thing. It’s loud the entire time, I can’t understand what the teachers say sometimes and mostly I’m just afraid that THE F*****G ROOF WILL COLLAPSE OVER MY HEAD. And let me tell you about all the times I thought it was close.
-before summer, when they dropped something above us and it was so loud we thought it was directly above us
-this year, same thing, but the floor actually shook x3
-when my teacher was sitting on her chair, they drilled and a tiny bit stuff came down(at that point we could just hear it) , she stood up and moved aside and a bit ceiling broke of on her chair, together with a good pile of drill material

that was it by now, and we are moving room now because it is too loud all of a sudden. IT WAS THAT FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR BUT NOW IT IS TOO MUCH?? yeah so thats why I hate going to school



Oooh boy, Young Adult paranormal romance novels. Specifically the ones where the girl finds out she’s special or different and then has to choose between two boys. One is a silent, cold withdrawn type and the other is a dark, rugged passionate type. She always picks the one who treats her the worst. It’s no wonder that more and more young girls are getting into abusive relationships because they read this trash and think that it’s ok. It does my head in. I just want to read a paranormal genre book without reading this three way tripe.
Another one is unwanted and unwelcome parenting advice. Specifically when mums give you advice that is supposedly well meaning. I just had one woman tell me I should be doing baby led weaning with my 6 month old. Umm isn’t all weaning baby led? It’s not exactly like I can force him to eat things he doesn’t want to. I’ve also had people come up to me when my 3 year old with asd is having a meltdown giving me advice about how I’m not disciplining him enough or how he needs to stop being so spoilt. He’s the most loving, intelligent and awesome kid. Just because he gets overwhelmed does not make him a bad child. You coming over when he’s mid meltdown and trying to self harm is just making the situation even worse.
Ok rant over for now.



Bitcoin is not real money. Gold and silver are the only real monetary metals. Bitcoin can be taken from you at the press of a button and if the grid goes down for a period, you are helpless. It dollar is being inflated to zero to monetize the national debt. (Easy to pay a debit in worthless dollars by flooding the world with valueless currency.) I wish I were wrong, but so many are going to be hurt bad by the great financial reset that is nearly upon us.



The brestfeding issue. Why is it so upsetting for people?? EVERY MAMMAL ON EARTH breastfeeds and people get nuts over women bresfeeding their babies??! WTF. I’ve never seen one single person/man loosing their minds over a single female animal brestfeeding, but the only though of women’s tits are used for the main purpuse nature create them, drives everyone crazy. Come on!



The pledge of allegiance that American students have tp recite every morning. It’s something you’d expect North Korea to do, brainwash kids to pledge their allegiance to America and they have to do it with the words “under god”, so much for separation of church and state.



IF IM BI IM BI! GIRLFLUX EXISTS IM NOT MAKING IT UP! OMNISEXUALITY ISNT HOMO OR HETERO! Ugh the people who make me have to say this f*** off.



The world has just turned so SUCKY. Global warming, racism, sexism, etc. I just wish people with actual power could promote fixing these problems because otherwise no one will do anything, but all people listen to are stupid old white men that are popular because they could buy everything you have and not leave a dent. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH



How teenage girls have literally nothing they can be interested in without being judged
like go ahead
give me one thing that teenage girls can be interested in without the possibility that people will make generalizations about them or make fun of them for it

there are so many tiktoks that have been popping up on my fyp making fun of teenage girls for doing the most mundane things ever and i find it so unfair



there are a few different topics i could go off on but i will stick to somethink kind of general as it encompasses much of my ‘triggers”: education. we have done a disservice to our youth in our current educational curriculums. first, we took out ‘home ec’ classes and, at least when i was in school, those were limited to only girls. now, it is known in some areas as ‘food science’ which teaches basically how to read a recipe and that’s it. at the same time, shop classes…wood, metal, auto, etc…were restricted to boys only. those classes taught basic life skills. also, general type classes such as math and english, both of which haven’t really changed with the exception of how ‘formal’ writing has been modified to be more acceptable. school districts have changed things such as ‘adverbs’ to ‘helping verbs’…wtf? why? also, not to mention the expense of new text books that contain basically the same info but, for the sake of profit and/or acknowledgment of the authors, have been replaced by new books or, worse, printed copies which do not allow for a book for reference. there is something reinforcing in having to copy out a problem on to paper and working the problem. this may seem insignificant but was the basis of education for literally decades. then, moving onto history, there have been districts that have allowed for part of history to be removed from the curriculum because ‘they don’t have the time’. again, wtf? we learned ancient/world history as well as american history with no problem…and, i was fortunate to have had the benefit of history that included what is now considered the basis of ‘cancel culture’. nope – it’s just history as all inclusive…the good parts we were involved with as well as the parts that embarass us and wish we wouldn’t have done. it’s still history. so, i’ll put my soap box away for now



I have a bunch, but the last time I ranted on one of these I got endlessly attacked, so I guess when the internet asks for opinions they don’t actually mean it. Or rather, they only want opinions that are similar to their own. So I guess that’s my rant. Stop asking for opinions and then attacking someone for opinions different than yours.



The person that sits next to me in one of my classes is constantly poking me. It really bothers me, he flicks me and constantly tries to talk to me and get my attention. He might ruin this class for me, because i really look forward to it. Its infuriating because I dont like confrontation, and he cant seem to take a hint



Anyone related to anyone named Kardashian. Just go the flip away.



I know Im going to get downvoted, but I feel this needs to be heard. Some americans are outright horrible people, but it is it really nescassarry to call the entirety of america a horrible place? Sure the system is flawed, and people pay the price. But there are still good people here, fighting for whats right, is it really right to write off the entire country and its citizens?



“Covid is a hoax” stickers that are all over my town. They are very annoying and use dumb phrases like “ real men don’t wear masks”. Just shut up.



Yep I have another one. Now I can’t comment cuz my account ain’t approved by bored panda staff. wtf people.



Soap operas like Eastenders, never-ending miserable garbage in which nothing good ever happens it seems, over a period of about ten years when switching on the TV because of the time of day it was on – this happened about a dozen times and without exception something miserable was happening. And Emmerdale, what utter crap, mediocre in every respect, how do people get paid for acting in or producing this worthless stuff? Its cringeworthiness is truly mind-numbing, perhaps they’re trying to set a record



The Australian federal government diverting tax-payer funds to catholic schools.

Slightly over 13billion (this year) has been specifically spent on catholic schools – with just under 9 billion for public schools. Public schools have approximately 67% of all students nation wide, with private schools having the other 33%.

This is in addition to the school chaplaincy program – which directly places unqualified religious extremists, to provide “pastoral care” (which i believe is a euphemism for child abuse) in severely underfunded public schools.

The kicker here is that the elitists created by the over-funding of private schools are the same people that moan about a lack of skilled labour… the skilled labour that they are specifically going out of their way to ensure cannot be cultivated by anyone that is not already part of socio-economic upper class.




Australia is now – unfortunately – a soft theocracy – and its f*****g evil.



Reversing alarms on trucks and machinery are very bad noise pollution. They made some sense when introduced, but now, we have cameras for the operators to use, which should make reversing as safe as going forward. In particular, a lone digging machine makes plenty of racket to announce its presence without the beeping.



Other-animal rights. People think other animals are tools to use (animal testing, dogfighting, etc.). Betta fish are kept in tiny cups in pet stores, and the reason for that is “tHey dON’t NeEd muCh sPaCE fOr thE aMoUNt of tIme tHaT thEy aRe thEre”. Well, how about the fact that the about half of the betta fish I see in pet stores are either dead or dieing? Plus, animal testing. There are tons of alternatives we could use. But no. We don’t need to spen our precious time saving lives, oh no. The ADORABLE MICE can just die. Etc.






At least make an effort to park between the lines! It’s lazy as f**k to just pull in and leave your vehicle squint and over the lines you selfish, inconsiderate git.



Tik Tok is a terrible app. It promotes the stealing and plagarization of creative content. In the film/art industry this is one of the worst things you could ever do. It also values the hot and beautiful over actual creativity as well. You can be hot and steal other people’s ideas and become tik tok famous by making nothing of your own. I despise what it’s become.



That at age 52 and not a parent, how 20-ish kids act like the rudest shits and think they deserve stuff for existing. I work w two of them and both are so rude to customers. Like I wasn’t raised that way and it takes me aback they think smart mouthing off to someone they are paid to tend to in a shop is ok. Also I’m not a boomer. I’m not a Karen. I just try to treat people nicely an make them smile or laugh if I interact with someone during my day. Just adds good karma back out there. Bow to clarify my neice and nephew and others are in that age bracket and not all of them act that way. The entitlement needs to end. And respect needs to be given to be gotten. That’s it. Ya want more? Ask. I’ll give examples. Oh and I have a few privilege seekers too in the family. Like they are owed for existing. Nope. Not happening.



mostly like what ms dress pockets said, if you give me someone to yell at, they’re good as dead



HireVue. I HATE it. Nowadays, you have to do an interview in front of a camera and may or may not include a robotic AI. Oh, and it’s recorded. No in-person interview and you only have 3 min to answer the questions. Oh you sneezed and the neighbor’s lawnmower went on, IT’S NOW RECORDED and there is NO do over. I want to be interviewed by an actual person, not some stupid robot.



That young people, these days, are using I’s as a pronoun.
eg: “That’s John and I’s house.” or “Mary and I’s relationship”.



Dont use the slow vehicle lane to get ahead in stuck traffic. We just have to let you back in when the lane ends. You’ve only made the jam worse.



Teachers who tell you that your work is late even though they never tell you when it has to be turned in. I got marked late because of my summer reading assignment that I did far in advance, but she never told us when to turn it in. Now I”m a day late.



Wow come every person in the world shares their opinions on every single thing in the world all at the same time and how come every single other person disagrees so wholeheartedly that they will waste their entire afternoon just to prove you wrong? seriously, if you say “i like dogs” someone in the world says “I HaTe DOgs, And IF you don’t then yOU deSeRVE bUrn in helLFIRE fOR AlL Of exisTeNCe!”



Gravity Falls. Nonstop. 24/7. At anyone who would listen.



Bored panda taking up ALL MY TIME



Idiots who leave full nappy bags hanging from trees, theres no nappy fairy people, take it home



online recipes, we don’t wanna know your backstory CHRISTINA!! TELL ME HOW TO BAKE SOME COOKIES



Milk in a bag, I hate it



Prescription refills… Why is it so difficult to organize them all for pick up on the same day / time , when it’s a regular refill… Why , just why ???



Sexism, Racism, Homophobia. Basically everything wrong with the world.



Don’t tell me about the email that I also got along with everyone else in the company. I read my emails, so you don’t need to paraphrase what was said while I’m trying to enjoy my lunch, or–Gawd forbid–read the damn thing to me. Your job as the town crier was rendered obsolete a while back, pal.



It’s a tossup between Trump and Republicans… probably Trump because he initiated at all.



I work retail and I absolutely can’t stand customers who don’t put stuff back where it belongs. Especially grown adults. How about making our job easier and just put stuff back and not act like entitled lazy a-holes? “Stop acting like children and just please put stuff back. Our job is hard enough as it is trying to deal with people like you, Karen.” I was reported three different times just because I politely asked customers to put stuff back. Even if it was one product. UGH. I hate retail.






Parents. Jesus f*****g Christ.



Effect means to impact, Affect means the impact. Effective means creates a lot of affect and affective is stupid and means to emotionally impact. So effect means to cause affect. Effective is a different use of the word effect, but also a qualitatively good and like effect, but lots of it. And Affective! Is hardly f*****g related to the rest of the words



I spent all my allowance. I only have like 100 dollars now, and I know it sounds like a lot, but I have it saved to buy Techno and Ranboo’s merch. Which is expensive. So I pretty much don’t have any money now.
My homeschool co-op is only two days a week and I wish it was more.
We’re moving and while that’s fine, we have to be out of the house by November and there’s nothing we like on the market rn.
Also Techno got cancer :(. I mean, I think he’ll be ok, but still. He’s one of my favorite people in the world, and I want him to be ok.

However, I got a binder, and mom says if we move I can get a Twitch/YouTube channel, and I really like this one girl in my class and she likes the same music as me 😀



Anything about Socialism. I am basically arguing against every left-wing policy here. Please debate me, so I can change my arguments. Above all, be respectful. We’re only disagreeing about economics here.

1. Universal Basic Healthcare
This is a horrible idea. If people don’t have to work, they won’t work.
“But if we make working conditions better, people would want to work!”
Maybe you can ‘improve conditions’. However, how in the world are you supposed to make work fun?

Improve conditions all you like, janitors still have to clean poop, police officers still get shot at, teachers still have to prepare classes, doctors still perform exhausting surgeries, firefighters still rush into burning buildings, etc.

Ask yourself: no matter how much you can ‘improve conditions’, would you still rather work than play video games, read, draw, walk at the park, watch movies, hike, etc?

2. Universal Healthcare
How would you fund this? Taxes. Who pays the taxes? Everyone. What if someone doesn’t want to pay because they don’t need the services (they’re really healthy people that rarely see the doctor)? The government goes up and points a gun at his head.

I am fine with paying for some services because I like and need them. However, you’re forcing me to pay (through taxes) for healthcare I do not need. Change the system all you want. Just don’t increase taxes.

3. Regulation
I agree with most of you when you say that corporations are too powerful. However, my answer to limiting their power lies in LOWERING regulations, as regulations cause a practice known as rent-seeking.

When the government wields power over the economy, companies will seek to weild this power. They will manipulate regulations and licenses to prevent competition and to hurt competitors.

For example, Amazon is trying to create an internet sales tax to hurt eBay. The AMA has for a long time tried to make obtaining medical licenses harder, stifling competition and giving themselves monopoly prices. Regulations make it cost about 1 billion to bring a new drug onto the market. Why? Because the big pharma doesn’t want the new competition.

Lowering regulations will force big companies to compete fairly, and not through market manipilution. This will obviously drive down costs and drive up quality, which in and of itself could be a solution to the horrible healthcare in the US.

4. Minimum Wage.
There are many alternatives to increasing wages, such as resigning, striking, and unionizing.

The minimum Wage also hurts the employees as well. Let’s say you’re a janitor. The government makes a minimum wage of 1,000,000 for all janitors. This won’t turn ANY janitors into a millionaire. It will get every single janitor fired overnight, and create a black market in janitorial services.

Let’s also pretend you’re an unskilled worker at Amazon. Then, the government makes you get paid as much as a neurosurgeon. The Amazon Execs will think, “Hey, we’re paying them as much as a neurosurgeon, when they are not even NEAR that value. What’s the point in keeping them? Let’s just fire them all and hire actually skilled people who are worth the money.”

5. Tax the Rich
Now, I am not against taxing the rich. However, I am saying that it won’t work. Whenever taxes increase, the rich take all their money, assets, and Jobs away from this economy and to another country.

One example is Sweden in the 1970s, when they massively increased taxes of all kinds. What happened? Every single rich person, including Bjorn Borg the tennis player, the founder of Ikea, and a movie director, they all left. In the end, Sweden was begging for them to come back.

Another example is closer to home. The US Congress decided to tax yacht sales. What happened? The rich stopped buying yachts overnight. The industry got annihilated, losing 90% of its revenue. 30 years later, they still haven’t recovered.

This is a challenge to all those ‘socialists’ on BP. Please respectfully debate me here.



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I’m spewing about DNA…. the stuff every living thing has… it has tried so many different variations… from cells to humans and everything in between.
It just keeps going on and on …at the moment humans are the latest and greatest variation / carrier…unfortunately this variant has learnt how to change/adapt its environment instead of living with it… to the obvious detriment of the planet we live on.

Shaking my fist at you DNA.



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The word “harass”.
I was taught in high school that the proper pronounciation is “Hair us”.
Definitely Not ” her Ass”
Every once in a long while I will hear someone in the media pronounce it correctly. I usually say a very heart felt



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Boomers; we don’t have the money to move out our parents’ homes. It gotten too expensive after you’ve acquired your second summer home. That’s cool, but what’s the point? You’re saving a house that won’t be touched for years until you remember it that you have it.

Another thing, pick up the slack on technology. Resumé are online, paper ones gets shredded before they can be filtered thru.



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People who object to the new Texas abortion ban. But since this site is so left leaning there’s no point, I’ll just get downvoted and buried.



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I’ve found my way to the feminist side of YouTube and TikTok, and it opened my eyes about rights. I will rant to anybody who will listen why dress code is stupid, women should not have to pay hospital fees after being SA, and that over all men are trash.


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