How to steam burns at home
1. Levels of steam burns
There are many different levels of burns and each level of burn will have different manifestations and treatments. Specifically, there are 3 levels of steam burns.
1st degree steam burns: the skin is red but there are no signs of blisters. The skin is only damaged in the top layer. After about 4 days, the wound will heal and recover quickly. However, you should still pay attention to keeping the wound clean so that the wound does not become infected and become worse.
2nd degree steam burns: At this level, the damaged skin area is deeper into the epidermis. Unlike level 1, level 2 will have blisters. They need more care, regular cleaning continuously for 1 week. Care must be taken when cleaning to avoid the blisters from bursting, making the baby uncomfortable, with the risk of scarring and infection. Therefore, controlling the burn is very necessary to avoid the risk of skin damage underneath.
Third degree steam burns: Third degree steam burns are much more dangerous. The skin in this area is deeply damaged and shows signs of turning white. At this point, some nerves have been severely damaged. The victim may no longer feel pain. But this is not a good sign because when the pain passes, it comes back with much more pain. The victim must use painkillers to be able to endure it.
2. How to treat a with a steam burn
How to treat a child with a steam burn is an important factor in whether the wound can heal or not. If not treated properly, the child's burn will become more severe and the possibility of leaving a toxic scar is extremely high.
- General principles on how to treat a child with a steam burn
One of the principles that mothers need to keep in mind when treating a child's steam burn wound is to limit the contact of the burning agent with the child's skin for too long. As soon as the child is burned, the mother should immediately separate the child from the dangerous area. Then, the mother puts the child's steam burn wound under cool water for 20 minutes. This will help the child's wound to heal. Absolutely do not use a strong water jet to pour directly on the skin or apply ice to the child's skin.
After rinsing with cool water, the mother uses a clean, soft towel, soaks it in water and applies it to the child's steam burn wound. This reduces the pain, making the baby feel more comfortable and calm.
For superficial burns, mothers can take care of their babies at home. Mothers should do it gently, carefully and especially wash their hands before touching the baby's wound. In cases where the wound is serious and widespread, deep into the skin, take the baby immediately to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment and handling.
- How to handle a child with a burn in detail
Children's skin has different characteristics compared to adults such as thinner skin, lower heat resistance and deeper burns than adults. There are some cases of damage to the bones, blood vessels and nerves. The treatment process for children's burns is also longer than that of adults. Compared to adults, children are susceptible to salt loss, dehydration, plasma loss, ... leading to shock, infection and possibly death. Therefore, first aid when a child is burned is one of the important factors to help the wound not penetrate deeper inside, preventing the skin from becoming infected.
First aid steps for a child with a steam burn are as follows:
Immediately remove the agent causing the burn and take the child out of the dangerous area.
Quickly put the burn under a basin of cool, clean water to help relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation and reduce the depth of the wound, avoiding the depth of the wound. If it is not possible to soak, pour clean water on it several times because even if there is no more contact with the agent causing the burn, the burn will continue to spread and cause deeper damage.
Protect the wound to avoid damage by using a sterile bandage to cover the burn with a thin layer, do not bandage too tightly as this will make the burn worse.
Do not let your bare hands come into direct contact with the burn to avoid infection which will make the burn worse.
When a child is burned, it is very easy for the ch.ild to lose his composure and cry. Mothers should encourage and reassure the child so that the child does not cry. If the is in too much pain, the mother can give the baby the correct dose of pain reliever.
After initial first aid, the mother quickly takes the baby to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment, avoiding complications later.
Lightly bandage the wound with sterile gauze to prevent infection (Photo: Collected from the internet)Lightly bandage the wound with sterile gauze to prevent infection (Photo: Collected from the internet)
3. Notes when treating steam burns for chil.dren
During first aid, the mother should determine the cause of the baby's burn. In the case of steam burns, the child is most likely burned by the steam of the rice cooker or the steam of the kettle. When the baby is burned, if there are signs of stopping breathing, the mother should perform artificial respiration immediately.
In addition, many people have misconceptions when performing first aid for babies when they are burned. This makes the burn worse and has a very high risk of infection.
First of all, when treating your baby's burn, you should only use cold water directly from the tap. If you use ice to apply, it will cause the blood vessels to constrict, blood cannot circulate and the wound will get worse. This is a common mistake that many mothers make.
Absolutely do not listen to tips such as applying toothpaste to the wound. This is the cause of infection and necrosis.