Jang Da-ah: Will Use Acting to Erase the ‘Jang Wonyoung’s Sister’ Title

“Pyramid Game” Jang Da-ah mentioned how she planned to no longer just be known as “Jang Wonyoung’s sister”.

After the conclusion of “Pyramid Game”, Jang Da-ah had an interview with TV News where she expressed her gratitude, saying, “I’m really grateful and happy to have the opportunity to play a great character in an excellent work after a long period of dreaming to become an actress”.

In the same interview, Jang Da-ah also mentioned the pressure brought about by the huge popularity of her youngest sister, Jang Wonyoung.

Particular, she said, “I have dreamed of acting for a long time. In order to achieve my dream, I pay little attention to other matters. Instead, I only focus on delivering my character and satisfying the audience with my first ever role. My family really enjoyed ‘Pyramid Game’, so I have nothing more to say.”

According to Jang Da-ah, Jang Wonyoung even sent her a meme from “Pyramid Game”, proving that she has watched her sister’s acting.

Finally, regarding being known with the “Jang Wonyoung’s sister” title, Jang Da-ah emphasized, “It is obvious that I’d be called by such a title when I first debuted with little recognition. I accept and understand that, even though it’s not what I want”. 

“The most important thing is to build my own name as an actress, and once I achieve that, the ‘Jang Won-young’s sister’ title will naturally disappear”, she also added.