Man Finds Apparent Brain Washed Ashore On Beach

Man Finds Apparent Brain Washed Ashore On BeachFox 6

A man walking along a Wisconsin beach found something strange wrapped up in foil: an apparent brain. 

Jimmy Senda had been strolling along the shore at Samuel Myers Park in Racine on Tuesday morning, September 15. It’s part of the construction worker’s daily schedule – a morning walk to start the day right.

As he said, you never know what you’ll find washed up on the beach. However, one probably doesn’t expect to come across an actual organ.

Check out the news report about the brain below: 

Senda explained to Fox 6 that he likes to collect ‘sea glass and random stuff, because I like to do artwork at home with the stuff that I find’. That said, I’m not sure what you could create with a decomposing brain.

Senda continued: 

I don’t really know how to explain it, it didn’t register as a human brain. I was just like: ‘What is this?’

I came across this square package, wrapped in aluminum foil, and around it, it had a pink rubber band. Curiosity got to me, so I popped it open and it looked like a chicken breast – kind of. It took a little bit for it to really (register) of what was going on; it was a brain.

I’ve came across some pretty weird stuff on the beach before: dead fish, horrible rotting birds, bizarre-looking jellyfish. However, a brain is a new level of bonkers.

Brain on Racine BeachFox 6

Naturally, Senda was befuddled by his discovery once it registered that he may have found a brain. Flowers and paper with Mandarin lettering were also found inside the foil packaging alongside the organ.

Fortunately, there were some city workers nearby that Senda could ask for a second opinion. They took one look at it, before telling him: ‘Yeah, that’s a brain.’

Racine Beach BrainFox 6

Even though the photos are blurred, it does certainly look rather like a brain. But what mysterious circumstances could have led to its placement on the beach, especially in such unsettling fashion?

Well, Senda eventually phoned the police. Again, the officers took a look at it, before telling him: ‘Yeah, it looks like a brain.’

Ordinarily, Senda takes his morning walks on beaches further north. Whether it’s fate or luck, he hadn’t been to Samuel Myers Park in quite some time – but he’s glad he did.

Jimmy Senda Brain on BeachFox 6

He added: ‘There’s a lot of kids and families that are down here, and what happens if a kid would have found it?’

Local police told the outlet that the brain isn’t believed to be human, however official confirmation is still pending from the Racine County Medical Examiner’s Office.

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