Miracles will happen when you press this point every night
After a stressful and tiring day at work, there is nothing more enjoyable than lying down on the bed and having a good night's sleep. However, for some reason, it prevents you from falling asleep, making you toss and turn but still unable to sleep. And you know, lack of sleep, not getting enough sleep can easily make us tired, stressed, especially for women, it can easily cause digestive disorders, menstruation, skin aging...
There are many methods to help you sleep better but there is an extremely easy and simple way that you can do for yourself every night. Most people do not pay much attention to their feet but we should know that this is a very important part for overall health. It may sound strange but if you want to improve your sleep, you should pay more attention to your feet before going to bed.
You can start by applying a popular method in Eastern medicine that is considered very effective for a good night's sleep. Accordingly, you just need to press and massage the Sanyinjiao point on your foot. To determine this point, place 4 fingers on the ankle, place the thumb on the position right below the index finger, that is the Sanyinjiao point that needs to be massaged.
The massage method is also very simple: Place the thumb on the Sanyinjiao point and massage in a circular motion for about 6 seconds, then stop for 2 seconds, then repeat for at least 5 minutes. You can do it whenever you have free time, but it is best to massage first for better effect. Apply the same method to the other foot.
Note: If you feel pain while massaging, it means you have pressed the wrong point and should stop immediately.
Massaging this point will help you reduce insomnia, bloating, diseases related to the urinary tract, pelvis, and the digestive system will be improved. This is the simplest and most natural method to help you solve health problems.
Oriental medicine doctors have discovered that this simple technique will reduce pain and stress. Moreover, massaging the Sanyinjiao point helps you improve the health of the spleen and kidneys, supporting blood circulation. At the same time, according to many studies, massaging this point also helps women reduce pain during each menstrual period, cramps, and improve overall health for women.
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