Relax 26/02/2025 09:44

Not everyone guesses correctly

Is the Black Part on a Shrimp's Head Roe or Was.te?

There has been much debate about the black part on a shrimp’s head—some people say it is waste, while others believe it is roe. So, what is the truth?

Shrimp is a highly nutritious seafood, rich in vitamins and minerals. Many people enjoy eating the shrimp’s head because they believe it contains shrimp roe. On the other hand, some discard the head, thinking it contains waste that is harmful to health. Whether the black part on the shrimp’s head is roe or waste has long been a topic of controversy.

Does the black part on a shrimp's head contain roe or was.te?

A shrimp’s body is divided into two main parts: the head and the abdomen. The head is a hollow cavity covered by a hard shell, containing vital organs such as the nervous system, digestive system, excretory system, and respiratory system.

The digestive system of a shrimp consists of two parts: the stomach and intestines. The stomach, located inside the head, is where food is stored when a shrimp eats. Shrimp are omnivores and consume a variety of food, including insects, algae, parasite larvae (worms), and decaying organic matter.

Since the stomach stores undigested food, it can contain dirt, parasite eggs, and harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the stomach before consuming shrimp.

The second part of the digestive system is the intestine, which appears as a thin, black tube running along the shrimp’s back. Once food is digested in the stomach, it passes through the intestines, and the waste is excreted. When preparing shrimp, it is essential to remove this intestine to eliminate waste.

Thus, the head of a shrimp does not contain waste, but the stomach should be removed as it may contain impurities and bacteria. The stomach appears black, making it easy to identify and remove when cleaning shrimp before cooking.

However, do not throw away the shrimp’s head entirely, as it contains shrimp roe, which is highly nutritious and has a delicious, rich, and creamy taste. The roe is located near the shell of the head, next to the stomach. When raw, shrimp roe appears liquid and dark gray, but after cooking, it solidifies and turns reddish-brown.

Removing the stomach while preserving the roe and meat in the shrimp’s head is the best approach. The meat in the shrimp’s head accounts for 25% - 30% of the head’s weight, making it a valuable part of the shrimp. To remove the stomach while keeping the head intact, carefully peel one side of the shrimp’s head, extract the stomach, and then place the shell back. This way, the shrimp remains whole, retaining both its visual appeal and nutritional value.

This method works best for large shrimp. For small shrimp, it is better to cook them whole and remove the stomach and intestine while eating, to avoid consuming any impurities from the digestive system.


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