Health 25/03/2025 17:09

Pay attention to the signs on your feet

6 dấu hiệu ở chân thường bị bỏ qua cảnh báo bạn đang mắc bệnh nguy hiểm hãy đi khám ngay. Ảnh minh họa

6 often overlooked signs on your feet that may wa.rn of dan.gerous diseases. See a doctor immediately.

Diabetic neuropathy complications are one of the most common chronic complications of diabetes and also a major cause of diabetic foot disease.

According to Sohu, if you notice any of the following signs on your feet or toes, see a doctor immediately as they could be signs of diabetic neuropathy complications:

1.  Inability to feel temperature

-  Symptoms: Cold feet and hands, lack of sensitivity to temperature, and not feeling hot water when washing feet. Poor circulation leads to peripheral nerve damage, reducing the ability to sense temperature changes, which can cause burns when washing feet, resulting in diabetic foot disease.

2.  Inability to feel p.ain

-  Symptoms: No pain sensation in feet and hands, feeling like the function is diminishing. Due to reduced pain sensitivity, when the skin is scratched, punctured, or burned, the patient may not notice, which can lead to diabetic foot disease.

3.  Occasional numbness

-  Symptoms: A tingling feeling or sensation like wearing socks, walking on cotton, or feeling like ants are crawling on the skin. This usually happens symmetrically and gradually spreads upwards, starting from the toes and progressing to the feet and possibly affecting the hands later.

4.  Dry and itchy skin

-  Symptoms: Dry, itchy skin with loss of elasticity. Autonomic nerve damage affects sweat glands, leading to insufficient or absent sweating in the feet, which causes the skin to become dry and itchy.


5.  Difficulty climbing stairs

-  Symptoms: Muscle atrophy, muscle weakness, difficulty climbing stairs. One or both thighs may be affected, and in severe cases, the person may have trouble standing up or walking steadily. This is due to motor nerve damage, leading to muscle atrophy, weakness, and difficulty climbing stairs or walking steadily.

6.  Severe p.ain

-  Symptoms: Sudden, intense pain in the feet and hands, feeling like pricking needles, burning, or electric shocks, with even a light touch causing pain. The pain tends to worsen at night.

Approximately 50% of diabetic patients experience pain due to peripheral neuropathy complications, also known as diabetic neuropathic pain. Sometimes, the pain can prevent the patient from sleeping at night, causing great discomfort.

In addition, if you experience symptoms such as drooping eyelids, facial nerve paralysis, low blood pressure, difficulty moving, hearing loss, loss of smell, alternating diarrhea and constipation, difficulty urinating, or sexual dysfunction, you should also be cautious about diabetic neuropathy complications.

If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate - see a doctor immediately.

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