Stop Using Steel Wool! Here’s the Right Way to Clean Stainless Steel Cookware Without Damaging It
Stop Using Steel Wool! Here’s the Right Way to Clean Stainless Steel Cookware Without Damaging It
Many people use steel wool to scrub burnt stainless steel pots and pans, but this can actually shorten their lifespan. Steel wool can strip off non-stick coatings and create numerous scratches, making cookware wear out faster.
Instead of using steel wool, try these simple yet effective cleaning hacks to keep your stainless steel cookware in top condition for longer.
1. Use Boiling Water
Start by pouring about 100ml of water into the burnt pot or pan and bring it to a boil.
Once the water is boiling, drop in a soft cloth or use a sponge to scrub the surface thoroughly. Within a minute, the burnt food residues and stains will loosen and come off easily—no dish soap needed!
For best results, keep the heat on low while scrubbing instead of turning it off completely. Then, pour out the dirty water, and you’ll be left with a spotless, shiny pot or pan. You can wash it with dish soap afterward if desired, but simply rinsing with clean water is often enough.
2. Use Dishwasher Tablets
For tough, long-standing stains, soak the cookware in boiling water mixed with a dishwasher tablet or dishwashing powder.
- Boil about 2 liters of water.
- Drop in one dishwasher tablet or a small amount of dishwashing powder.
- Submerge the burnt cookware and let it soak for at least 2 hours (overnight for heavy stains).
The oxygen-based cleaning agents in dishwasher tablets effectively break down stubborn burnt residues and grease, making them easy to rinse away.
3. Use Fermented Rice (Mẻ) and Baking Soda
A powerful yet gentle cleaning method involves fermented rice (mẻ) combined with baking soda.
According to Dr. Vũ Thị Tần, an inorganic chemistry lecturer at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, fermented rice contains lactic acid, which naturally removes rust and restores the shine of stainless steel cookware.
When mixed with baking soda—a mild abrasive—the two create a fizzing reaction that lifts burnt stains from the pan’s surface.
Simply spread a thick layer of fermented rice mixed with baking soda over the burnt area, let it sit overnight, and then scrub using a soft scouring pad instead of steel wool. This method is particularly effective for restoring the shine of stainless steel pots and pans.
For best results, clean cookware regularly before stains become too stubborn, making them harder to remove. Try these simple tricks, and your stainless steel pots and pans will stay sparkling clean and last much longer!
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