Tips for choosing watermelon
Tips for Choosing Watermelon Without Tapping: Look for These Signs to Know Which One Has a Thin Skin, Red Flesh, and Sweet Taste
Watermelon is a delicious fruit loved by many. It can be eaten fresh, made into smoothies, juice, or even ice cream, all of which are very tasty. Watermelon is available year-round, is affordable, and provides many essential vitamins and minerals for the bo.dy. It is one of the fruits you can include in your diet.
When buying watermelon, many people wonder how to choose a watermelon with thin skin, red flesh, and a sweet taste. A common folk tip for selecting watermelon is to tap the melon. When tapped, if you hear a deep, heavy "thud" sound, it indicates that the watermelon is full of water, has dense flesh, is ripe, and has a sweet taste. If you hear a light "clicking" sound, the watermelon is not yet ripe.
However, not everyone can differentiate between the sounds when tapping the watermelon.
To solve this issue, here are some tips for selecting the perfect watermelon:
- Choose Watermelon with a Curved Stem
When buying watermelon, you should look at the stem. The stem can reveal the ripeness of the melon. A curved stem, similar to a pig’s tail, indicates that the watermelon is ripe. These melons are usually juicy and sweet. Choose watermelons with this kind of stem.
Watermelons with a thick, straight stem are usually not ripe yet, and their flesh is less red and less sweet.
- Choose Watermelon with a Dry Stem
In addition to selecting watermelons with curved stems, you should also choose those with a dry stem (but not with signs of rot or mold). This is an indicator that the watermelon has matured and is ready for harvest. A green and straight stem shows the melon was picked too early and isn’t fully ripe yet.
- Look at the Blossom End (The Be.lly Bu.tton of the Melon)
The blossom end of the watermelon is the round area at the bottom of the melon. It is the spot left behind after the flower falls off. Choose watermelons with a small blossom end, as this indicates the melon has a thin skin, juicy flesh, and a sweet taste.
Watermelons with a large blossom end usually have thick skin, are less sweet, and are not as tasty.
- Observe the Yellow Spot on the Watermelon’s Skin
You may notice a yellow spot on the watermelon. This spot is where the melon has been in contact with the ground for a long time during growth. It hasn’t been exposed to sunlight, so the color will differ from the rest of the melon. The darker the yellow spot, the riper the watermelon, and the sweeter it will be. In contrast, watermelons with pale yellow or white spots are usually unripe, picked too early, and will not be sweet, with a less red flesh.
- Examine the Stripes on the Watermelon’s Skin
Most watermelon varieties have stripes on their skins. By observing these stripes, you can determine whether the watermelon is ripe. Watermelons with evenly spaced, consistent stripes are ripe and sweet. On the other hand, watermelons with uneven stripes or breaks in the pattern are not fully ripe.
These are some helpful tips for choosing a watermelon with a sweet taste, red flesh, and thin skin.
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