Visiting My Best Friend's New Home, I Was Devastated by What I Saw on Her Bedside Table
In the three years of our relationship, Trinh and I had built a stable bond, always supporting each other in pursuing our dreams. We had overcome many challenges together, strengthening our connection over time.
When we began discussing marriage, my best friend Vân frequently advised me to request a substantial dowry. She believed that a larger dowry would not only reflect my worth but also ensure that my husband would value me more after marriage, as people tend to cherish what is harder to obtain. Additionally, this sum would provide financial security for my future.
Initially, I didn't pay much attention to her suggestions, trusting that the love between Trinh and me was paramount. However, with Vân's persistent persuasion, I began to reconsider the significance of a dowry and gradually saw merit in her perspective.
Eventually, I decided to ask Trinh for a dowry of 300 million VND and a new house before our wedding. Upon hearing my request, he became furious, stating that his family couldn't afford such demands and that our love shouldn't be based on material wealth. This led to a heated argument, and ultimately, we parted ways.
After the breakup, I felt immense pain and emptiness. Fortunately, with the support of family and friends, I gradually returned to normal life, focusing on self-care and participating in social activities to expand my network.
One day, Van invited me to visit her newly purchased home. While I felt happy for her, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy at her achievement at such a young age. However, upon entering her bedroom, my eyes inadvertently landed on the bedside table, and that moment shattered my heart.
On the table was a photograph of Vân standing beside a man—my ex-boyfriend, Trình. I stood frozen, the world around me blurring into obscurity.
It had only been over half a year since Trinh and I broke up, and now my best friend was with him without my knowledge. Feelings of betrayal and hurt overwhelmed me, as if my entire world had collapsed. Was this Van's plan all along? Had she continually urged me to demand an exorbitant dowry, leading to my breakup with Trình, to create an opportunity for herself?
Unable to accept this reality, I immediately left Van's house. I began to question our friendship, wondering if she truly cared for and supported me, or if she had been using me for her own gain.
Back home, I lay exhausted on my bed, replaying memories with Van, searching for clues to her motives, and realizing how naive I'd been. There had been signs of her feelings for Trình that I had overlooked, leading to this outcome.
Unable to accept this truth, I cut off contact with Van. A year later, I heard that she married Trinh without requesting any dowry.
However, I no longer harbor resentment towards them and view things more lightly. Part of the fault lies with me for placing too much importance on money, considering it the sole standard for evaluating marriage.
Over time, I've reassessed my attitude towards love and marriage, realizing that dowries aren't the sole criteria for happiness. True happiness doesn't reside in money or material possessions but is built on understanding, support, and mutual respect.
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