Prosecutors want a two-year prison sentence for the person who visited clubs in Itaewon and infected 80 people with COVID19

Four months ago, a 24-year old instructor (hereinafter Mr. A) of a cram school academy in Incheon tested positive for COVID19 after going clubbing in Itaewon. However, problems arose when Mr. A lied to the quarantine authorities that he did not have a job. 

Because of his lie, the quarantine authorities could not properly identify the individuals that Mr. A came in close contact with. In turn, this caused 80 more newly infected patients shortly thereafter. After making a full recovery, the prosecutors are now requesting a two-year prison sentence for Mr. A.

After saying he had no occupation and just stayed home, the authorities went over his GPS tracking logs, revealing the actual route/whereabouts of Mr. A. It was revealed he was working at a cram school academy in Incheon.Due to Mr. A’s lies, the quarantine authorities could not properly quarantine the individuals that Mr. A had come in contact with and more infections occurred. The two high school students that Mr.A was teaching were infected. It was also revealed that more infections occurred after Mr. A visited a karaoke and attended a birthday party.As 80 more people were infected due to Mr. A, the Incheon Metropolitan Office filed a lawsuit against Mr. A. The prosecutors demanded two-years of imprisonment for Mr. A for violating the Infectious Disease Prevention Act.The prosecutors revealed the reason for the sentence. They stated, “Not only did Mr. A did lie about his occupation but he also lied about his whereabouts. He had visited a gym and a cafe even on the day he received the epidemiological investigation. He has committed a crime of negligence.”In his last statement, Mr. A shed tears and stated, “I didn’t expect such a serious thing would happen due to just a few words I said. I will live my life in apology.” As soon as the criminal trial is over, the Incheon City plans to file a lawsuit against Mr. A for the cost of damages.The ruling on Mr. A will be made on the 8th of next month.

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