Seo In Young Responds To Divorce Rumors 7 Months After Wedding

Seo In Young has personally responded to rumors that she and her husband are getting divorced.

Seo In Young Responds To Divorce Rumors 7 Months After Wedding

On September 19, Korean news outlet Sports DongA reported that Seo In Young’s husband had recently filed for divorce. The couple just tied the knot in February, less than seven months ago.

Later that day, Seo In Young personally addressed the rumors in a phone call with Xportsnews. “I was really shocked and taken aback when I saw the report that my husband had filed for divorce,” said the singer. “It was a huge shock.”

“It’s true that we’ve discussed the possibility of divorce due to differences in personality,” clarified Seo In Young. “But rather than thinking of divorce, I would like to try to work on our relationship and stay together in the future.”

She continued, “Because I think the people around us must have been very shocked after seeing the news, I’d like to explain this first. It’s true that my husband’s and my personalities aren’t well-suited, but we’re not at the extreme stage of divorce.”