Someone Puts A $999,000 House Up For Sale In California And Poses As Bigfoot In Every Photo

Every real estate agent will tell you that good photos can make a night and day difference when it comes to selling a home. But what if you want to draw a little more attention to your listing? That’s when you add a little Bigfoot.

Read more Someone noticed Bigfoot happily posing in the photos of this house for sale in Felton, California

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At first glance, photos from the listing look pretty innocent

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But soon enough you’re greeted with a series of photos of Bigfoot enjoying things like reading…

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…and chilling out with a nice book

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It also made some Zoom calls to its friend

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…and did some yoga

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Apparently, Bigfoot loves gardening, too

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“A lot of folks are under a lot of stress now, and we were hoping to lighten people’s day and make them smile. At the same time, hoping to spread awareness of their home for sale,” said Daniel. “And that does indeed seem to be happening. We’ve had an overwhelming amount of interest in folks calling to schedule appointments to see the property. And, we are anticipating offers soon.”

Daniel has been an agent in the area since graduating college back in 2003 and has never done anything like this before. “Typically, just focusing on really high-end photography and targeted marketing approaches. With a combination of the right property for Bigfoot and the right timing, this seems to be going viral,” said the agent. The man says he doesn’t anticipate doing anything similar in the future as he doesn’t want it to become overused. Although he admits that he loves using a bit of humor to market the property.

What are you constructing there, Bigfoot?

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Nothing like reading a newspaper while your fur dries

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The couch is definitely Bigfoot-approved

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Nothing like a little workout after a long day of scaring hikers in the woods

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Followed by a refreshing drink from a water fountain

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Ah, recreating the classic photo from 1967

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If Bigfoot can wear a face mask while going outside, so can you

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Looks like the giant has a hidden musical side

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