Street Hero Glues Googly Eyes On Boring Objects In His Dull Town, And It’s Hilarious

Not everybody lives in those endlessly exciting metropolitan cities, some of us have to stroll through boring neighborhoods instead. But when there’s a problem like this, you can count on creative minds to see a solution, and that’s exactly what happened in one Swedish town.

Read more ‘Hello ladies’

‘This is how winter in Sweden feels like’

‘This is the worst one. It looks exactly like the friend you’ve got who’s always happy because he’s too stupid to realize that everything sucks’

‘I call this one “TEQUILAAAAAGRHHHH”’

‘Before you get all upset over this; I actually never glue the eyes to statues, its just adhesives’

‘The classic undercover police in-the-club look. Just chillin by the bar’


‘This is me every time I hear someone say “shots”’


‘When you wake up and try to remember how you even got home last night’

‘When you wake up and try to remember how you even got home last night’

‘Chillin with bae in the park’

‘When it’s Sunday and you don’t wanna be alone but you also don’t wanna leave home’

‘Turning in your assignment like’

‘Parent: So how’s your studying going? Me:’
