The woman had worked hard for eight years after her marriage, and now she found out that the debt came from her parents. (Picture/reproduced from Douyin)

A woman from Jiangxi, China, who had been married to her husband for eight years, found that every time her husband paid her salary, she had to spend most of the money to pay off debts. Her parents-in-law, who were frugal by nature, were also heavily in debt, and the family’s financial situation was very poor. She asked for the reason, but to her surprise, none of the three people wanted to mention it. Later she found out that when they got married, her parents asked the husband to pay a bride price of RMB 680,000, but the amount was too high and they could not afford it, so her parents-in-law and her husband had to pay in installments. She learned that The truth made her quite sad.

This woman had been married to her husband for 8 years. She discovered that her husband and her parents-in-law were used to being thrifty, but they owed debts. The reason was that they were unwilling to tell her. Finally, under her questioning, her husband finally admitted that the money was the bride price when he married her. The amount was as high as RMB 680,000 (approximately NT$3.04 million). The woman was stunned at the moment and did not expect that the reason was this.

Jiangxi is the place with the highest amount of bride price in China. Due to the imbalance in the ratio of men to women, some families now offer a much higher bride price than the local custom. In the incident, the girl’s parents initially thought that the customary bride price of 300,000 yuan sounded unlucky. Therefore, I asked the man for 680,000, thinking that the number sounded more auspicious. At that time, my parents-in-law saw that the two of them were really in love and couldn’t bear to break up, so they borrowed money from relatives and friends to pay the bride price. When the woman learned about it, she thought her parents would give her in-laws a dowry and didn’t pay much attention to it. Unexpectedly, the truth turned out to be that they didn’t give her a cent, which made her quite devastated and said she regretted accepting the money.

After getting married, the woman has been working around with her husband to pay off the debt. The quality of life is not very good, just to pay off the debt. She said sadly that if her parents were willing to give her half of the dowry, her husband wouldn’t have to work so hard. She couldn’t understand her parents’ decision and thought it was basically “selling their daughter.” She was also hesitant whether she should go home and question her parents, fearing conflict between the two parties. , but if she doesn’t ask for the result, she won’t be able to face her family.

The incident caused a stir in the community. Many netizens told her to treat her husband’s family well. “680,000 yuan is not a small amount, but they agreed unconditionally and then secretly borrowed the loan.” Many netizens also criticized the bad habit, thinking that women Parental behavior is quite excessive. “This is selling your daughter.” “Parents who demand dowry from their daughters are really not worthy of being parents.”