This vegetable is sold in abundance in the market.
This is a familiar vegetable with high nutritional value, but not everyone pays attention to it.
The vegetable mentioned here is green mustard. 100 grams of this vegetable can provide 118 mg of calcium, which is 7 times higher than the amount of calcium in 100 ml of bone broth (17 mg).
Green mustard is a familiar vegetable that often appears in meals.
Below are some of the health benefits of green mustard.
- Bone strengthening
Green mustard contains a lot of vitamin K. A bowl of green mustard can meet the body's vitamin K needs for 1 day. This is a vitamin necessary for blood clotting, good for the heart and joints.
When lacking vitamin K, people are prone to osteoporosis, bone fractures, cardiovascular disease, decreased brain function, and memory loss. Mustard greens have a fairly abundant calcium content, which also contributes to strong bones.
Mustard greens contain many nutrients necessary for the body.
– Strengthen immunity
A bowl of mustard greens can provide 1/3 of an adult's daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C plays an important role in strengthening the immune barrier, protecting the body against pathogens.
In addition, this vegetable also contains vitamin A, which also helps optimize the body's immune system.
Lacking these two vitamins, the immune system is weakened, the body becomes weak and susceptible to disease.
- Good for the heart
An analysis based on 8 studies shows that increasing green leafy vegetables such as mustard greens in the daily diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 15.8%.
Mustard greens contain many antioxidants such as beta-carotene and flavonoids, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, this vegetable also contains compounds that help bind bile amino acids in the digestive system, supporting the process of reducing bad cholesterol in the body, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and stroke.
Green mustard also has a rich amount of fiber to help control blood fat, good for the intestines. Vitamin K in this vegetable is also good for the heart. In addition, green mustard also contains magnesium to help the heart beat stably and potassium to help regulate blood pressure.
Regularly eating green mustard, the body can receive many benefits such as good for the eyes, good for bones and joints...
- Good for the eyes
Green mustard contains many antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin which have good effects on eye health. These two compounds protect the retina from oxidative damage, helping to filter harmful blue light.
Research shows that consuming foods containing a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin can help fight macular degeneration.
- Anti-aging
Green mustard and other dark green leafy vegetables contain many vitamins such as vitamins A, B6, C, E. These vegetables also provide a lot of folic acid for blood cells, help fight oxidation, make the skin rosy and fresh.
Vitamin A in mustard greens has the effect of fighting free radicals, protecting cells, and preventing aging. Note that mustard greens bring many benefits to the body but should not be eaten too much because it contains oxalate which can increase the risk of kidney stones. The amount of fiber in mustard greens is quite high, so it can easily lead to bloating and flatulence