17 hours before

Why should over 30 eat honey-soaked eggs

After the age of 30, women's skin will show many signs of aging, wrinkles form faster. After the age of 25, the body will lose 1% of collagen each year. This is the reason why the skin sags and wrinkles appear. In particular, after the age of 30, the aging process is faster, wrinkles appear more. This is the time when women need to pay special attention to protecting their skin. In addition to skin care with cosmetics, women should also pay attention to their diet to provide enough nutrients for the body, anti-aging from the inside.

Honey-soaked eggs are a dish that helps nourish health and beautify the skin and has been used for a long time.

According to Oriental medicine, egg yolks are called danhuang, have a sweet taste, are neutral, and enter the heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Egg yolks have the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, enriching blood, and nourishing the mind and calming the spirit. Therefore, eating egg yolks regularly will help your skin become more rosy.

Honey is sweet, neutral, and enters the heart, spleen, stomach, and large intestine meridians. This food has the effect of nourishing the middle, moistening the lungs, relieving constipation, and detoxifying. Modern science shows that honey contains many antioxidants and is rich in amino acids that moisturize the skin and fight the damage caused by free radicals. Honey can be eaten or applied to the skin as a mask, helping to beautify the skin.

Eating honey eggs regularly will bring many benefits to the body, including anti-aging and beautifying the skin.

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