Yoon Jung-hee owns 4.7 billion won worth of SM Entertainment shares? “It’s difficult to confirm as it’s a personal investment”

Regarding the news that actress Yoon Jung-hee holds about 4.7 billion won worth of SM Entertainment shares, her agency issued a statement

A representative from the agency Sublime told Ilgan Sports on Dec 5th, “It’s difficult to confirm as it’s a personal investment.

On this day, a media outlet reported that Yoon Jung-hee, the wife of Lee Jun-ho, who was referred to the prosecution on charges of manipulating SM Entertainment’s stock price, held 67,751 SM Entertainment shares as of the end of last year.

At the time, 67,751 SM Entertainment shares were worth about 4.7 billion won based on the market price. This is a significant amount for an individual investor. In addition, it draws attention in connection with the fact that Kakao, the parent company of Kakao Entertainment, where Lee Jun-ho works, had been pursuing the acquisition of SM Entertainment since 2021. SM Entertainment’s management rights were secured by Kakao and Kakao Entertainment earlier this year.

Earlier, Lee Jun-ho was booked as a suspect related to suspicions that he colluded with Kakao Entertainment’s CEO Kim Sung-soo in acquiring a production company Yoon Jung-hee invested in in order to take advantage of the stock price. Yoon Jung-hee invested in the production company, but she is currently considered a witness.

stock price, held 67,751 SM Entertainment shares as of the end of last year.