17 hours before

You should get rid of these 4 things as soon as possible

According to Feng Shui, no matter how poor your family may be, you should promptly dispose of the following 4 items to prevent bad luck from following you.

Dispose of Broken Pots and Pans

When the pots and pans in your kitchen are damaged, no matter how difficult your financial situation is, you should get rid of them immediately. Kitchen utensils are often made from ceramics, glass, or plastic, and they can deteriorate over time. Using damaged pots and pans can give a shabby feeling, symbolizing poverty and financial loss. In the past, only the very poor or beggars used broken dishes. Today, with improved living conditions, keeping broken tableware is unnecessary. Especially if you have young children, plates, bowls, and chopsticks need to be in good condition for safety. Broken utensils may not be properly cleaned, leading to bacteria growth that can affect your health. If you leave them in your home, they may accumulate dust and trash, increasing discomfort.

Don't Keep an Unused Fish Tank

Many people enjoy keeping fish in a glass tank, but when they lose interest or the fish die, the tank can be forgotten. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium symbolizes wealth and prosperity. If the tank is left empty and gathers dust, it could reflect a lack of wealth and negatively impact your home's Feng Shui. If you no longer want to keep fish, consider using the tank for hydroponic plants or simply discard it to save space and avoid a sense of financial loss. An unused fish tank can easily break and pose a danger, especially to children.

Don't Keep Old Bedding and Mattresses of Children

Many families keep children's old bedding and mattresses as keepsakes. However, keeping these items for too long may not be beneficial to the child's development. These items may contain stains from milk, urine, or medicine, and over time, they can become worn out and difficult to clean completely. Keeping them in the house can increase the risk of bacteria and negatively affect the family environment. According to Feng Shui beliefs, holding onto old children's items for too long can adversely affect the health and development of the child.

Don't Keep Unused Old Shoes

Many people hold onto old shoes, even if they no longer fit or are not being used. No matter how poor your family may be, worn-out shoes should be thrown away immediately. Old shoes can harbor bacteria, unpleasant odors, and negatively impact your home's Feng Shui. Keeping shoes that no longer fit takes up space and serves no purpose. According to Feng Shui, keeping old shoes can hinder your financial progress and success. Discarding old shoes will help you have better space and create a more favorable environment for growth and prosperity in the future.

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