Eating these things on an empty stomach turns “supplements” into poison, and there might be a need for emergency care one day. Avoid it now before it’s too late

These foods, when eaten normally, are very good for health but can be extremely dangerous on an empty stomach. There are many common foods considered delicious and nutritious, but they are not suitable when the stomach is empty. Therefore, if you are extremely hungry, avoid “lining your stomach” with these things, as some people have had to go to the emergency room due to critical conditions:

Soaked/ Crispy persimmons

Soaked persimmons or crispy persimmons are delicious and attractive fruits that many people enjoy. However, soaked persimmons contain a lot of tannin. When this substance meets the stomach acid, it forms small, hard-to-dissolve lumps that accumulate in the stomach. Eating persimmons when already full and in moderate amounts should not be an issue. But consuming a lot of persimmons at once (even when full) and on an empty stomach increases the risk of creating these lumps in the digestive tract. When the stomach is hungry, there’s a high level of acid, so if these lumps solidify, it can lead to nausea, gastric ulcers, or even perforation. There have been many emergency cases due to eating persimmons resulting in such conditions.



Tomatoes are fruits rich in vitamins, but when eaten on an empty stomach, they can cause health problems because they contain a high amount of organic acids like pectin (fruit glue) and apocrustic. These components, when they come into contact with the stomach acid, can cause digestion difficulties, stomach cramps, and gastric pain. Therefore, avoid drinking tomato juice on an empty stomach and refrain from eating raw tomatoes when hungry. Only consume tomatoes when there is some other food in your stomach.

Những đại kỵ khi ăn cà chua gây độc cho sức khỏe, không phải ai cũng biết


According to Báo Lao động, citing Boldsky, eating bananas on an empty stomach will suddenly increase the amount of magnesium in the body. This affects the balance of magnesium and calcium in the blood, leading to various health issues such as inhibiting heart blood vessels. Additionally, some people are sensitive to the components in bananas, so eating them on an empty stomach can stimulate gastric acid secretion, causing acid reflux and worsening stomach pain.

5 lợi ích 'vàng' của quả chuối

Sweet potatoes

The tannin and pectin compounds in sweet potatoes can stimulate the stomach when eaten on an empty stomach. This causes the body to produce more gastric acid, leading to digestive problems and heartburn. Therefore, it’s advisable to eat sweet potatoes when you’ve had a little rice or a piece of bread in your stomach.


Foods that are overly acidic

When the stomach is empty, it often secretes more acid. Consuming acidic foods at this time will further stimulate the stomach, leading to bloating, and even acid reflux. Acidic foods include star fruit, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles…


Coffee, being rich in caffeine, stimulates stomach acid secretion when you’re hungry, making you prone to acute gastric issues and even stomach bleeding. Drinking coffee immediately after a meal also affects digestion. Ideally, have coffee about 1 to 2 hours after breakfast when your stomach still has some food and is not completely empty.

Green tea

Drinking green or oolong tea on an empty stomach is harmful to the stomach as it reduces digestive function, leading to symptoms resembling dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and restlessness.


Unless you are experiencing low blood sugar and need immediate rescue, avoid consuming sugar when hungry. When you consume sugar on an empty stomach, the body absorbs too much sugar, leading to a sudden increase in blood sugar levels. In a short time, the body cannot produce enough insulin to maintain a reasonable level of sugar in the blood. This results in a sudden spike in blood sugar, leading to insomnia and harming the body.

When hungry, prioritize eating wholesome foods like a bit of rice, oatmeal, or fresh green vegetables before consuming other types of food.