Lightning Strikes During Wedding Just As Groom Curses 2020

lightning striking at wedding 1asawitsky/Instagram

Hands up if you’ve been guilty of angrily declaring just how much you hate 2020 at any point in the last year. I feel a sea of hands being raised all over the world.


Listen, I’m guilty of it too; I’ll sit and think about all the things I should have been doing this year while staring longingly out of my window, moodily telling anyone who will listen that 2020 just, well, sucks.

Next time you’re thinking of doing that though, maybe consider what happened to one man in Massachusetts when he cursed 2020 during his wedding vows. And let’s just say mother nature did not take too kindly to his statement.

You can check out what happened below:


In the video, Aaron Sawitsky can be seen standing opposite his bride Denice McClure (now Sawitsky) as they prepare to say their vows. Just before he declared his love for her though, Aaron made sure to reference the rocky start to the year.

‘Let’s face it, 2020 has not been the best year,’ Aaron tells his guests, drawing a laugh from those in attendance, right before a huge bolt of lightning struck right next to him.

Thankfully, nobody was injured as the lightning missed the ceremony and everyone in attendance, with Aaron sharing on Instagram: ‘Thankfully no one got electrocuted and we finished our vows before the rain started! Mother nature has one wry sense of humour.’

Bride Denice told UNILAD ‘it perfectly sums up the year so far’, and she’s not wrong.

lightning strikes weddingasawitsky/Instagram

Speaking to UNILAD, Denice said all of the guests were ‘surprisingly calm’ when the lightning struck, adding: ‘We were about two minutes away from finishing the ceremony, so I think we all were feeling like, “we’re almost there, let’s just get to the end”.’

Part of the reason why everyone remained calm is that they didn’t actually realise just how close the lightning strike was, Denice explained. ‘I think if we knew how close it was, we would have probably headed for shelter.’

She continued:


We think it perfectly sums up the year so far: expect the unexpected, roll with the punches, make the best of the situation.

lightning bolt strikes weddingasawitsky/Instagram

Aaron and Denice had been all set to get married in June, but they had to push their date back a total of four times due to coronavirus restrictions.

So when they rescheduled for August 22, they told each other that would definitely be the day they tied the knot and nothing would get in their way – not even lousy weather and the threat of lightning, apparently.

The couple did eventually get to say their ‘I do’s’ in front of 36 of their loved ones on Saturday, in accordance with the state’s coronavirus measures, with the ceremony (mostly) ending without incident.

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In fact, the storm blew over in about 45 minutes, with the wedding ending with sunny skies and even a rainbow. ‘Hopefully that’s what’s ahead for everyone,’ Denice said.

And hey, at least they got a great story out of it, and an even better photo opportunity – because what’s better than a moody backdrop with excellent light(n)ing opportunities? Exactly.

Congratulations to the happy (and extremely lucky) couple!

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

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