5 things you should never keep under your bed, the 4th item is something that 97% of us keep under our bed
Many beds today are large, so there is plenty of space under the bed to store things, but there are things that should not be stored.
Shoes are essential items, when the seasons change, many families have the habit of storing them under the bed. However, this location is often damp, if we leave shoes here for a long time, they will become moldy. There are many bacteria and odors inside the shoes. Inhaling this odor at night is very harmful to the body.
Suzanne Roynon, an interior expert in the UK, advises people not to try to maximize storage space in the bedroom, it is better to store shoes elsewhere.
Electronic devices
In every modern family, there are many household electronic devices. When not in use, many people often put them under the bed to keep them neat.
This location is damp, so it is easy for electrical devices to damage the circuit, screws, causing rust, corrosion, and shortening the life of the device. Rust also releases toxic gases that affect the body.
Money, important documents
Under the bed should not be the place to store important documents such as birth certificates, passports and money. Not only will it be difficult for you to get things, but this is also the first place thieves often search for valuables, according to home security company Durrell Security, in Missouri, USA.
Many husbands and wives also have the habit of hiding money under the bed as a slush fund. However, in many cases, before their spouses discover it, rats, termites and cockroaches have destroyed it.
Avoid keeping things of sentimental value or memories under the bed. These are photos, letters, anything that is part of the past that you are trying to move on from.
To ensure a relaxing bedroom, keep old memorabilia out of this space. It's one thing to revisit memories every now and then, but it's another to sleep with old memories every night.
Feng shui expert and architect Anjie Cho, from the US, advises against keeping books under the bed. "These can be very stimulating and keep you awake. Nighttime is not the best time to absorb that kind of intellectual energy," says Anjie Cho.
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