Health 20/02/2025 20:41

Bre.ast Can.cer – The "Silent Killer" with Easily Recognizable Early Signs

Bre.ast Can.cer – The "Silent Killer" with Easily Recognizable Early Signs

Bre.ast can.cer has a high survival rate—over 90% if detected early. However, most cases are diagnosed at a late stage, making treatment more challenging.



This is why self-examination at home is crucial for detecting abnormalities in the breasts. According to WebMD, here are some early warning signs of breast cancer that you should watch out for:

1. Unusual Lump in the Breast

A new, abnormal lump is often the first noticeable sign of breast cancer. Cancerous lumps are typically hard, irregularly shaped, and painless. They can appear in the breast or under the armpit (axillary region).

To check for lumps:

  • Gently feel both breasts, armpits, and collarbone areas using two to three fingers (index, middle, and ring fingers).
  • Move in a circular motion, gradually covering the entire breast.
  • Perform this self-exam while standing in front of a mirror, raising both arms, and also while lying down.

Some lumps can be too small to detect by touch, which is why regular mammograms are essential, especially for women over 40 or those with a family history of breast cancer.

2. Swelling

Breast cancer can cause swelling in part of the breast. Many women report noticing breast swelling before detecting a lump.

If you observe swelling, thickening, or enlarged lymph nodes under the arm or near the collarbone, consult a doctor immediately.

3. Breast Pain

Most breast pain isn’t caused by cancer, but persistent, burning, or stabbing pain in the breast should not be ignored.

In rare cases, sharp pain like needle pricks can be linked to Paget’s disease of the breast, a rare form of breast cancer affecting the nipple and surrounding skin.

However, breast pain can also result from hormonal changes, infections, medications, or ill-fitting bras. If the pain persists, recurs frequently, or has no clear cause, medical evaluation is necessary.

4. Nipple Discharge & Changes in Shape

  • Unusual nipple discharge (thick or watery, from one or both nipples) in white, clear, yellow, green, or bloody colors—unrelated to pregnancy—can be an early warning sign.
  • Changes in nipple shape (inverted nipples or size changes) can indicate abnormal cell growth behind the nipple, a common early-stage breast cancer symptom.

5. Skin & Breast Changes

  • Wrinkling, dimpling, redness, or rashes on the breast skin.
  • Unexplained breast size increase (not related to menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause).
  • One breast suddenly becoming larger could indicate inflammatory breast cancer, an aggressive form of the disease.

Early Detection Saves Lives

While not all breast changes indicate cancer, staying vigilant and seeking medical advice for any persistent abnormalities can increase survival chances significantly. If you notice any of the above signs, schedule a check-up as soon as possible.

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