Health 24/03/2025 14:05

People with calcium deficiency often experience these 7 signs

Signs of Calcium Deficiency and How to Address It

When calcium is deficient in the bo.dy, it will manifest through various abnormal signs. If you frequently experience these symptoms, you should consider getting a medical check-up to receive timely treatment.

Signs of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is a crucial element in the human body, comprising 1.5-2% of the body's weight. Of this, 99% is found in the bones, teeth, and nails; only 1% is in the blood, tissues, and extracellular fluids.

Calcium plays an essential role in bone development and overall body function. It is also vital for the nervous system, muscles, and immune system. So, what are the signs when the body is lacking calcium?

1. Dizziness and Tingling

When sitting for long periods, you may feel tingling in your hands and feet or experience back pain. Upon standing, you might get lightheaded, but this feeling will usually subside in a few seconds.

2. Frequent Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps, especially in the thighs, arms, or underarms during movement or walking, are an early sign of calcium deficiency.

3. Weak Nails and Breakage

Your nails require an adequate amount of calcium to grow strong and not brittle. Weak and easily breakable nails are also a sign of calcium deficiency.

4. Osteoporosis

Bone loss or osteoporosis is the most notable symptom of calcium deficiency. This often happens in postmenopausal women or women with decreased estrogen levels, which reduces calcium absorption. If calcium is lacking, the body draws it from the bones to meet the needs of the heart and other organs.

Bone loss (the early stage of osteoporosis) and full-blown osteoporosis should be monitored and evaluated regularly through bone density tests and blood calcium level checks.

5. Insomnia

Insomnia is another significant sign of calcium deficiency. People who don’t get enough calcium in their diet may experience difficulty sleeping. In some cases, people may still sleep but the sleep quality is poor, leaving them feeling tired upon waking.

For children, there are specific signs such as:

  • Infants may be startled or cry excessively when sleeping and may experience delayed motor skills development (late in learning to crawl, stand, or walk). If calcium deficiency persists, children may develop bowlegs or scoliosis.

  • Older children, still growing, may often complain of bone aches during physical activity, which can alleviate when resting or massaged.

6. Yellowing Teeth and Slow Tooth Growth

Teeth and bones are significantly affected by calcium deficiency. If you notice yellowing teeth or slow tooth growth, it's essential to review the calcium intake in your diet and check bone mineral density, as this could be a sign of calcium deficiency.

7. Pre.mens.trual Symptoms in

Common symptoms before menstruation like acne, bre.ast, back, abdominal, sleep disturbances, headaches, muscle pain, stress, and poor concentration might become more intense when you’re calcium deficient. These symptoms may decrease when the body gets adequate calcium.

Some Tips to Prevent Calcium Deficiency

To ensure good health and prevent calcium deficiency, pay attention to your daily diet. Focus on consuming foods naturally rich in calcium such as shrimp, crab, seafood, green leafy vegetables, milk, and dairy products. Additionally, regular physical activity helps avoid calcium metabolism disorders and keeps the bo.dy agile.

You can also use calcium supplements, but it's best to consult a doctor before taking any.

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Some Calcium-Rich Foods:

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium. A 245g serving of plain yogurt provides about 23% of the daily calcium requirement. It also contains potassium, phosphorus, and B vitamins. You can consume yogurt daily, combined with fresh fruits, to supplement your diet with nutrients.

  • Cheese

Cheese, another dairy product, is high in calcium and vitamin D, essential for the body. It also contains significant amounts of protein and fats. Compared to milk, cheese has less lactose, making it suitable for people who are lactose intolerant.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables not only provide fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals but are also a great source of calcium. Kale has more calcium than beef. One cup of raw kale provides 10% of your daily calcium needs.

  • Seafood

Seafoods like salmon, sardines, shrimp, crabs, and scallops provide many essential nutrients, especially calcium. For example, 100 grams of salmon contains 181mg of calcium, and 100 grams of sardines contain 380mg of calcium.

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