"Red alert" for the kidneys when you experience these signs
Every day, the human mind has to process a lot of information and the body performs countless actions. However, no matter how busy you are, do not forget to take the time to observe and pay attention to unusual signs of the body. Not paying attention to unusual signals can lead to very serious consequences. Bright Side has provided a list of signs that your kidneys are not functioning properly.
1. Changes related to urination The kidneys are the organs responsible for producing urine and eliminating waste through it
Therefore, you should not ignore changes in the frequency of urination, the smell of urine, and the color of urine. Common types of changes include increased need to urinate, especially at night. Urinating from 4 to 10 times a day is considered normal. The next common sign is seeing blood in the urine. Healthy kidneys filter waste from the blood to create urine, but if the filter is faulty, blood cells can start to “leak” into the urine. In some cases, foamy urine is also an abnormal sign.
2. High blood pressure
Your circulatory system and kidneys depend on and are closely related to each other. The kidneys have nephrons that filter waste and excess fluid from the blood. If the blood vessels are damaged, the nephrons that filter the blood will not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. That is why high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure. You need to immediately supplement foods rich in folic acid because it participates in the production of red blood cells, preventing anemia.
3. Puffy eyes
An early sign that your kidney's filtering system is having trouble is the appearance of puffy eyes. Puffy eyes are caused by your kidneys excreting large amounts of protein into your urine. Make an appointment to see your doctor immediately if this condition persists.
4. Back pain
Kidney failure can cause back pain that is usually deep and located just below the rib cage. It can be felt in the front of the groin or hip area. Back and leg pain can be caused by kidney cysts, which are large fluid-filled sacs that form on the kidneys and are a result of polycystic kidney disease. Tip: Back pain caused by kidney failure is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, high body temperature and frequent urination. Back pain that is not related to the kidneys is different: the pain is more localized and occurs suddenly, without fever. If you continue to have back pain and pain medication is not effective, be sure to see your doctor.
5. Swelling in the ankles, feet, and hands Kidneys that are not working properly will not remove any fluid from the body. This leads to sodium retention, causing swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands.
6. Shortness of breath
The link between kidney disease and feeling short of breath is caused by two factors. The first is excess fluid in the body moving into the lungs, through the kidneys without being filtered. The second is anemia, which deprives the body of oxygen, leading to shortness of breath.
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