Revealing how to change sleeping position to reduce painful back pain
Whether you are already suffering from these pains, or want to prevent them, there is a very simple way to eliminate those back pains: changing your sleeping position.
Depending on the location of the pain in your back, there will be a suitable sleeping position to treat it, below are the best sleeping positions for people with back pain:
Pain in the neck and upper back
Lie on your back, distributing your weight evenly on both sides of your body. This will help reduce pressure on areas such as the neck or upper back and correct the posture of the spine and internal organs. Place a small pillow under your neck and knees to maintain the natural curvature of the spine.
Back Pain
The best sleeping position for these people is to sleep on their stomach. Insert a small pillow under your belly, above your pelvis. This will allow you to sleep comfortably and without putting pressure on your spine. If you don't see results at first, you can remove the pillow altogether.
Lower back pain
If you sleep on your side, it puts your spine in an unnatural position, putting extra pressure on your lower back. Bend your legs slightly back and place a small pillow under your legs. This will help reduce the pressure on your lower back and maintain its natural position.
Lower Back Pain
If you suffer from lower back pain, sleeping on your side can help. It helps relax and relieve tension in the lower back. You may want to place a small pillow under your neck and lower back to help correct your posture. If you want to feel more comfortable, you can place another pillow under your knees.
Herniated Disc
If you are suffering from pain due to a herniated disc, you can try the sleeping position shown in the picture. This position allows you to stretch the space between each vertebra and push them to move back to their original position. Curling your body like this will reduce the pressure on the vertebrae and nerves, helping you to relieve back pain.
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