Women who eat yogurt at these 3 "golden" times will benefit many times more than ginseng
Yogurt has long been famous as a delicious, cheap, healthy food that has a positive impact on health. For women, if you regularly eat a box of yogurt every day, it will help you lose weight, beautify your skin, prevent gynecological infections, etc.
Although yogurt is nutritious, depending on the time, it will bring different benefits. Women should choose the right "golden" time to eat yogurt so that it can be many times more effective than normal.Women should choose the right "golden" time to eat yogurt so that it can be many times more effective than normal.
According to the People's Daily, China, there are 3 best times of the day to eat yogurt. If women know how to take advantage of these 3 times, yogurt will be even more nutritious than ginseng.
3 "golden" times to eat yogurt during the day:
- Morning: Morning is the time when the body needs the most nutrition. If you eat a cup of yogurt in the morning, your body will absorb the maximum amount of calcium in it. In addition, yogurt also stimulates the taste buds, helping you feel more delicious.
However, you should not eat yogurt on an empty stomach because the gastric juice will kill the beneficial bacteria in yogurt. You should mix it with whole grain cereal or eat it with bread.
- Evening: According to experts, the time from 12 midnight to early morning is when the calcium content in the body is lowest. Supplementing yogurt at this time will be beneficial for calcium absorption. In addition, yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps retain calcium in the body longer. However, if you eat yogurt before going to bed, you should brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly to avoid damaging the enamel.
- Eat yogurt 2 hours after each meal: Eating yogurt on an empty stomach is not good. However, eating yogurt on a full stomach is not much better, and can even make you gain weight. Instead, you should eat yogurt about 2 hours after a meal, at which time the gastric juice is diluted, the pH in the stomach will be a suitable environment for beneficial bacteria to grow to their maximum.
You should eat yogurt about 2 hours after a meal.
What great benefits will women receive if they eat yogurt regularly every day?
- Weight loss: Women who eat yogurt every day will feel full for a long time because this food provides enough protein, calcium, micronutrients... thereby supporting weight loss.
- Preventing vaginal infections: Yogurt stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria, making the body improve its immune system, solving all problems of vaginal infections in women.
Women who eat yogurt at these 3 "golden" times will have many times better health than ginseng, beautiful skin, beautiful figure, and no worries about gynecological inflammation for life - Photo 5.
Yogurt stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria.
- Good for the intestines: Because yogurt has many beneficial bacteria for the digestive tract, eating it every day will help you regulate the intestines, increase immunity, prevent bloating, flatulence, etc.
People who are not susceptible to cancer always have these 6 things in common: Women need to read immediately to learn
- Anti-stomach ulcers: Yogurt contains lactic acid, which inhibits the growth of helicobacter pylori bacteria - the main cause of stomach diseases.
- Beautify the skin: Lactic acid in yogurt also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and exfoliates. Vitamin B is rich in yogurt with 20 to 30% to help brighten the skin and support cell growth and regeneration. Women who eat yogurt every day will make their dry, dull skin smooth and bright.
The lactic acid in yogurt also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and exfoliates.
- Good for the heart: Scientists say that consuming saturated fat from whole milk products increases good HDL cholesterol, protecting heart health.
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