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Guess which of these two guys is single?

The answer is The first guy because he only has 1 toothbrush and the second guy has 2

Of these two people: Who is poor?

The answer is the red one. The green shirt is richer because when she goes out to eat at a restaurant, she only buys...

Who is the real watermelon t.hief?

The answer is number one who is pretending to be pregnant

Only boys will understand. It is?

The answer is when it rains, the raincoat will be filled with water. When it's sunny, boys usually don't fold carefully, so they get...

Look carefully: What “mistake” can you find in this picture

The date is impossible: June has only 30 days

Reasoning ability test: “Why is the girl sad when she receives...

The answer is all of these things are nỏ suitable for her, her favourite is yellow

The ho.ttest formula among young people today. It is?

The answer is according to Western beliefs, eating 12 grapes under the table on the first day of the new year will bring good...

The image you see first predicts your personality

This sunset personality test will tell you if you're an optimist or a glass-half-empty type of person. Optical illusion expert Mia Yilin shared the...

Why is milk in rectangular cans and soft drinks in cylindrical...

Basically, coke with its gaseous nature, exerts more pressure per volume than Milk and to balance it out, round shape fits it well for...