Woman Born Without A Womb Gives Birth To Baby After World’s First Transplant

Woman Born Without A Womb Gives Birth To Baby After World’s First TransplantNewsflash

A woman who became the world’s first uterus recipient a decade ago after being born without a womb has given birth to a baby boy.


Derya Sert gave birth three months ago, but the newborn was immediately taken into intensive care and has remained there since. Thankfully, doctors have now said his treatment has finished and he can be discharged from hospital in the coming days.

Sert conceived naturally and gave birth to her son, Ömer Özkan, on June 4, naming the young boy after one of her doctors to honour him for everything he has done for her.

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After becoming the first person in the world to have a uterus transplant from a dead person in August 2011 at the Akdeniz University Hospital in Antalya, Turkey, Sert began experiencing periods for the first time.


Professor Ömer Özkan, from the hospital’s medical department, said the operation for the uterus transplant had taken more than seven hours to carry out when the patient was 23 years old.

Doctors waited 18 months after her transplant before they implanted an embryo using Sert’s own egg in April 2013. She then fell pregnant, but shortly afterwards had to undergo an abortion when doctors were unable to detect a fetal heartbeat.

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Now, more than seven years later, the young woman has finally become a mum, giving birth via C-section. Doctors said the three-month intensive care process went smoothly.

Young Ömer gained weight gradually while in the intensive care unit, eventually reaching 6.6lbs and leading doctors to give Sert the news he could be discharged once a series of routine checks were completed.

‘The baby’s health is good,’ Professor Özkan said, as per Sputnik International. ‘[His weight] has exceeded 1500 grams. Derya was touched when she took her baby in her arms for the first time.’

He added:

She was very happy, she said that she has been waiting for this moment for years. We are planning to discharge in two or three weeks.

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Prior to the doctors telling Sert she could take her baby home, the new mum had only been able to see him in an incubator. Then, after two months, she was able to hold him in her arms for the first time on Eid.

Professor Özkan said the successful birth of the healthy baby boy will pave the way for similar operations in the future, especially for couples who are unable to have children.

We wish Derya and her baby the very best as they leave hospital and embark on their new life.

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Link nguồn : https://www.unilad.co.uk/life/woman-born-without-a-womb-gives-birth-to-baby-after-worlds-first-transplant