Shin Min-ah Reveals Boyfriend Kim Woo-bin Enjoyed Her New Film ‘Our Season’

Shin Min-ah is set to meet audiences through the big screen after a long time with the movie “Our Season”

“Our Season”, starring Kim Hae-sook and Shin Min-ah as mother and daughter, goes beyond the maternal relationship to tell a touching story about love.

On December 4th, Shin Min-ah met with reporters for an interview to discuss the movie “Our Season.”

Shin Min-ah expressed her feelings about meeting the audience again after a long time since her last film, “Diva.” She mentioned, “Since there has been a tough time for theatrical releases, I’m just happy that the film is being released. It’s been some time since we finished filming, so I feel excited, nervous, and also look forward to it.”

After watching the movie, Shin Min-ah shed tears early on, explaining, “The director asked why I cried while watching his own acting. I think I cried from the beginning because I knew the content and understood Jin-joo’s feelings.” 

Reflecting on the filming experience, Shin Min-ah spoke warmly, “It was very warm during filming. The director made it comfortable, and Kim Hae-sook treated me well. Shooting in Jeongseon during winter was very cold, but the smell of food and the warmth of the people made it a memorable experience. I hoped the film would be released so that everyone could feel the warmth.”

As for her real-life relationship with her mother, Shin Min-ah described, “I spend time with my mom like a real friend. Although we don’t have a typical mother-daughter relationship, after filming this movie, I felt a bit more of the typical mother-daughter emotions. It’s not a change; the feeling was always there.” 

Regarding her portrayal as a daughter, Shin Min-ah said, “I express myself well.” When asked if she desires to have a daughter like herself, she answered yes.

Why did Shin Min-ah choose “Our Season”? She explained, “Even before the movie was released, people were saying that just hearing the story and watching the trailer made them tear up. We all experience parting someday, and there are many points in the movie where people can empathize with the memories after parting. Although I haven’t experienced losing someone close, just thinking about it is sad. By telling the story of a mother and daughter, I thought it would resonate with many people. The movie not only deals with the closest relationship between a mother and daughter but also shares the story of family and precious people around us. I thought it would be interesting to present moments where people could express their feelings not only to their mothers and daughters but also to their families and loved ones. The film may be a bit heavy, but it’s also a fantasy that can lightly resolve such thoughts.”

At the VIP premiere of “Our Season,” Kim Woo-bin and Shin Min-ah gained attention. Shin Min-ah mentioned, “Many people attended the VIP premiere, and Kim Woo-bin enjoyed the movie a lot. He found it interesting and watched it with similar emotions as me. I think he might not have cried a lot.” 

She also mentioned the similarity between her and senior actress Kim Hae-sook, expressing that they shared a similar temperature of emotions and passion for the movie.

Having been in the industry for over 20 years, Shin Min-ah shared her perspective on maintaining a consistent acting career. She said, “I didn’t experience a significant slump or anything like that. I just continuously thought about what the next project would be and worked with that mindset. It was quite a long time of repetition. People around me often wonder if I get tired or want to take a break, but strangely, that feeling hasn’t come. Of course, there are challenging aspects, but I felt alive, and that kept me going.”

Known for being a “homebody,” Shin Min-ah was asked about her activities at home. She responded, “When I’m at home, I have my own things to do. Generally, when I rest, I really rest. Even if the filming ends late, I organize my thoughts alone at home and plan for the next day. I enjoy taking the time to relax; it’s my style.”

When asked about the emotions she wants to convey to the audience of “Our Season,” Shin Min-ah shared, “These days, many people have thoughts like, ‘Am I expressing my love to the person I love now? Am I feeling this emotion well, am I living well? With the expectation of facing many partings, how should I live?’ I had many such thoughts. I think many people can empathize with the mother-daughter story. After watching the movie, I hope the audience experiences moments where they want to express their feelings to precious people around them.”

Finally, Shin Min-ah expressed her honest feelings about the pressure of box office success, saying, “There is always pressure regarding the box office for each film. However, at some point, although I promote and do interviews diligently, it feels like it’s not my territory. If I become sensitive and burdened, it might be difficult. I’ve let go of that a bit. I hope many people watch it. Since it is being released in theaters, and many people seem to empathize with it, I hope many people check it out.”

As she approaches her 40s, Shin Min-ah emphasized her wishes for good health and a continued passion for her job. She said, “I hope to be healthy. I think I can do what I love well if I am healthy. Even when I don’t have work, I want to spend my time healthily and enjoyably. In my 40s, I think I need to reflect more on myself.” 

“Our Season” is set to be released in theaters on December 6th.