When the kidneys are damaged, the body will have 3 abnormalities during urination: If there’s even one, you should see a doctor before it’s too late.

Abnormalities in urination can warn of many different diseases, including kidney failure.

Kidney failure is a condition in which the kidneys lose function and are no longer able to filter waste from the blood. According to the UK National Health Service (NHS), 1 in 10 Britons have kidney failure.

Kidney failure has many different levels, from mild to severe. Depending on the level, patients will be prescribed different treatments, including hemodialysis and kidney transplant. However, the signs of kidney failure in the early stages are often considered to be quite faint. There are many cases of patients who only feel tired but end-stage kidney failure when examined. Therefore, it is very important to grasp the signs of kidney failure for timely detection and intervention.

3 abnormalities when urinating that warn of kidney failure
According to Mayo Clinic (the leading health care system in the US), abnormal signs when urinating are a typical sign of kidney failure. Patients may have changes in urine volume and urine odor.

Khi thận suy hỏng, cơ thể sẽ có 3 bất thường lúc tiểu tiện: Có 1 cũng cần đi khám ngay trước khi quá muộn - Ảnh 1.

Kidney failure is a dangerous condition.

According to a 2012 study by the Department of Nephrology, Karaelmas University (Türkiye), some kidney failure patients said they found their urine smellier than usual. The reason is that when kidney function is impaired, the kidneys cannot filter out all the waste in the blood and release this excess waste into the urine, making the urine thicker and smellier.According to Stanford Medicine (part of Stanford University – USA), in addition to reducing urine output, many patients with kidney failure may urinate more, even though they do not drink more water. In addition, patients may also experience urinary incontinence.

Other studies have shown that people with liver disease or uncontrolled diabetes may also have stronger-smelling urine.

However, according to the NHS, strong-smelling urine is not necessarily a sign of disease. Consuming certain foods including asparagus, coffee, medications or vitamins, and not drinking enough water can also lead to this condition.

If your urine has a strong odor, is accompanied by sharp pain when urinating, or if you urinate more frequently, or your urine is more cloudy, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

Other signs of kidney failure
For kidney failure, in addition to changes in urine odor and urine volume, patients often experience other symptoms such as:

– Swelling/edema of the legs, ankles or feet

– Frequent fatigue

– Vomiting, nausea

– Shortness of breath

According to Stanford Medicine, other possible symptoms of kidney failure are:

– Skin rash or itchy/dry skin

– Fever

– Abdominal pain, back pain

– Cramp

– Headache

– Bad breath

– Poor muscle tone

– Often experience a metallic taste in the mouth

More severe conditions such as confusion, irregular heartbeat, seizures, and coma.