In humid weather, immediately applying the “3 no’s” principle helps homes minimize sweating: The last one is often mis.understood by many

Remember and implement this “3 NO” principle, the phenomenon of the house sweating when it is humid will be limited.

Monitoring through smart weather forecast applications, the average air humidity reaches over 80%, sometimes over 90%. High humidity in the air can easily lead to sweating, accompanied by a “sweating” condition in the house.

Simply put, this phenomenon is when the house, including the floor, ceiling, walls or other household items, is wet and has water running on the surface. “Sweating houses” not only cause inconvenience in life but also pose a potential risk of damaging objects, houses, rooms with unpleasant odors or affecting the health of family members due to the environment. Moist environment is an ideal environment for viruses, bacteria, molds to grow…

When the weather gets hot, the 3-DON principle helps the house limit sweating: The last thing that many people misunderstand

Therefore, it is best for families to have a plan to prepare in advance for the days when the weather is about to become hot, to minimize the phenomenon of “sweating at home”. The drying mode of air conditioners, dehumidifiers or items that help dehumidify the home space such as newspaper… can be used and have good results. But in order for the house to best avoid humidity, experts advise that there is a “3 NO” principle that families should pay attention to.

The “3 NO” principle on humid days

1. DO NOT open the door when not necessary

Many people think that on humid days, opening windows and doors will help air circulate better. Therefore, the moisture in the house will be evaporated better and will no longer remain in the house. Wind blowing in from outside will make the house drier. However, in reality it is the opposite.

When the weather gets hot, the 3-DON principle helps the house limit sweating: The last thing that many people misunderstand

Trời trở nồm, nguyên tắc 3 KHÔNG giúp nhà hạn chế đổ mồ hôi: Điều cuối cùng rất nhiều người hiểu nhầm-2

It is extremely undesirable to open your house when it is stormy.

Opening the doors will make it easier for moist air from the outside environment to “infiltrate” into the house and room. From there, the space not only did not become dry but also became wetter. Therefore, when experiencing high levels of humidity in the outdoor air, it is best for users to limit opening doors in the house when not necessary, which applies to both windows and doors. This will help “protect” the house from moisture from outside, limiting “sweating”.

2. DO NOT clean the house with water

The second thing on the list of “3 NO’s” on humid days is to clean the house with water. When sweat appears in the house, especially in the floor area, it can cause slipping when people move or cause unhygienic and inconvenient life. At this time, many people often clean the house with water to make the space cleaner.

But in reality, cleaning the house with water does not help solve the problem and even makes things worse. The humidity of the air combined with the water used by the user to clean the house will cause more sweating.

When the weather gets hot, the 3-DON principle helps the house limit sweating: The last thing that many people misunderstand.

Trời trở nồm, nguyên tắc 3 KHÔNG giúp nhà hạn chế đổ mồ hôi: Điều cuối cùng rất nhiều người hiểu nhầm-3

Cleaning the house with water is also on the list of 3 NO’s when it’s humid.

If you want to clean your house on humid days, you should only use dry towels with good water absorption to clean the floor or clean household items, especially items made of wood or furniture. electronic.

As mentioned above, in addition to using a dry towel to wipe, using the “Dry” drying mode of the air conditioner, dehumidifier or other items with dehumidifying properties also helps the house significantly reduce moisture loss. sweating condition.

3. DO NOT turn on the fan

The last one in the list of “3 NO’s”, is also the mistake that is considered the most common compared to the two mistakes mentioned above that families make on humid days, which is turning on the fan. Families expect that the fan wind will help water vapor evaporate faster, helping the space become dry. Many families even combine turning on the refrigerator with continuously cleaning the house or turning on the fan while opening the doors.

Experts explain that when the fan is turned on, the cold air blowing from the fan not only does not cause the water vapor to fly away or evaporate, but also causes the moist air to condense more strongly. From there, more water stagnates and the “sweating” condition will not be overcome but will become worse.

When the weather gets hot, rule 3 NOT helps the house limit sweating: The last thing that many people misunderstand.

Trời trở nồm, nguyên tắc 3 KHÔNG giúp nhà hạn chế đổ mồ hôi: Điều cuối cùng rất nhiều người hiểu nhầm-4

Turning on the fan does not help and can even make bad breath in the house worse.

Methods to help limit humidity effectively

In the US, during the summer, from May to August, humidity often occurs. Therefore, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given some advice to help people overcome this situation.

1. Turn on the bathroom exhaust fan or kitchen hood to remove some of the moisture outside.

2. Cover the floor with plastic sheets, carpets or newspapers to help absorb some moisture. However, carpets will have to be washed regularly, and newspapers must be changed continuously.

When the weather gets hot, the 3-DON principle helps the house limit sweating: The last thing that many people misunderstand

Trời trở nồm, nguyên tắc 3 KHÔNG giúp nhà hạn chế đổ mồ hôi: Điều cuối cùng rất nhiều người hiểu nhầm-5

Lining the floor with newspaper is a simple and easy method, but users need to change the newspaper regularly.

3. Paint the house with waterproof and insulating materials such as fiberglass insulation; Spray foam insulation or use cellulose insulation. This will help minimize the amount of air carrying moisture into your home.

4. Avoid placing objects, especially electronic and wooden items, close to the wall, because it can cause damage to the device.

5. Turn off any humidifiers or devices in your home, if any

6. Display in the house some plants that absorb moisture such as ferns

On humid days, the following series of devices are of great interest to users because they bring efficiency and limit inconvenience in life: Air conditioners with “Dry” mode, Dehumidifiers, Air purifiers, Air conditioners. , clothes dryer…