Nicki Minaj heps fans pay for college

It’s always great to see celebrities giving back and doing something nice for those who make their careers possible. This weekend, Nicki Minaj must have been in a great mood because she agreed to help her fans pay for the college tuition and other expenses.

Fans even tagged Nicki Minaj in posts about the Filipino girl so Nicki could sponsor her for a scholarship to further her education.

It all began on Twitter Saturday night when Minaj was tweeting about a contest she was having where fans could join her at the upcoming Billboard Music Awards later this month on May 21. One fan tweeted Minaj asking if she could pay for their college tuition and the rapper happily obliged.

She responded by saying, “Show me straight A’s that I can verify w/ your school and I’ll pay it. Who wants to join THAT contest? Dead serious. Shld I set it up?”

Fans definitely took advantage of the moment and began asking Minaj to help them pay registration fees for classes, as well as remaining balances on their tuition and school loans. One fan asked for $3,000 to pay for three classes and Minaj said, “That’s it? I’ll send it tmrw. dm me ur bank info babe. Next!”

This seems to be something Minaj plans to do regularly. She told fans she’d do this again “in a month or 2.”

She ended her charitable efforts with, “Ok u guys. It’s been fun. Let me make those payments tmrw then see if I have any money left.”

Check out some of the fan tweets at Minaj below.