The image you see first predicts your personality

This sunset personality test will tell you if you’re an optimist or a glass-half-empty type of person. Optical illusion expert Mia Yilin shared the image on her TikTok.

If you see the clouds…

… then you are generous and giving but prefer to keep your guard up around other
people. According to Mia, “You have excellent social abilities. You’re always trying to
figure out why people approach you.” You also avoid gossip and drama.

If you see the lips…

… then you’re the type of person who goes above and beyond for others. You have a
positive outlook on life and always help a stranger. “You might be willing to put up
with others over minor irritations, but you’re very principled and will always stand
your ground,” Mia explained.

Hit us up in the comments section below and let us know. Meanwhile, here’s another
optical illusion for you to try your hand at.