Neosalyl, the natural substitute for synthetic salicylic acid

While in the past, consumers were willing to use beauty products containing chemical and abrasive ingredients to achieve their ends and stop these often troublesome appearances, minds have now evolved. Beauty consumers are looking for more natural products, massively rejecting chemicals, as they see natural ingredients as safe and trustworthy. According to Mintel, 72% of consumers would be most interested in using beauty, grooming and personal care products that are made using natural alternatives to synthetic ingredient or natural ingredients adapted in a lab. This trend keeps growing in any culture and challenges the composition and origin of personal care ingredients, as of today, 3 out of 4 women are scanning product composition and looking for hero ingredients. In fact, salicylic acid is, with hyaluronic acid and retinol, one of the most known ingredients by consumers, always looking for performance to take care of their skin and hair.

To switch from synthetic to natural origin, Givaudan Active Beauty has therefore developed Neosalyl™, a 100% pure salicylic acid which brings all its benefits to the skin and scalp. Due to its exfoliating properties, Neosalyl™ is a safe and effective peeling agent for a large number of cosmetic purposes for skin care, such as cleansers, radiance boosters, skin complexion balance and glow-up enhancer. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial benefits raise Neosalyl™ as the perfect active for prone-to-acne skin conditions and also a very good synergistic active for the treatment of dandruff.

Its effectiveness is at the height of its naturalness since Neosalyl™ is obtained from Wintergreen leaves, rich in an essential oil composed of methyl salicylate. Harvested by farmers in southwestern China in Yunnan province, it is on site, via a fully traceable supply chain, that the raw essential oil is immediately produced. It is then in our Center of Excellence in Avignon (France), that our phyto-experts begin a plant fractionation process to transform methyl salicylate into salicylic acid. To warrant the authentication of the raw material and the natural origin of salicylic acid from wintergreen, our botanical experts apply an exhaustive set of analysis named IDPack. It includes botanical observation, DNA analysis, GC/FID and isotopic 14C measurement to clearly identify each botanical ingredient.

To inspire the beauty industry, Active Beauty formulation team crafted S3D® Powderful. This 11-Ingredient clean beauty cocktail combines Neosalyl™ with powdered hyaluronic acid (PrimalHyal™ 300) for skin immune defense reinforcement and wound healing, as well as biodegradable exfoliating particles (Biogomm’age W180) designed for sensitive skin. This water-free formula is highly concentrated. By adding few drops of water, it turns into a foaming milk to apply to the face. After a gently massaging into the skin and then rinsing, it reveals a cleaner skin and brighter complexion.

Cosmetic ingredients have never been so pure to highlight consumer natural beauty.