Absolutely do not place the head of the bed facing these 3 positions
The bedroom is the room where we often spend the most time at home, a comfortable bedroom can allow us to have a relaxing sleeping space, improve the quality of sleep, allow us to rest and relax well.
The most important furniture in the bedroom is our bed, only a soft enough bed can we have a comfortable sleep, in addition to choosing a soft bed, we also have to pay attention to the location of the bed in the bedroom.
Today we will review the 3 positions of the bedroom that should not face each other, this issue is ignored by many people, it is not a matter of feng shui, superstition but only consider the health of the family.
The head of the bed in the bedroom should not face the window
First of all, the head of the bed in our bedroom should not face the window. Some of you think that the air circulation will be better if it is placed facing the window, especially when the summer weather is very hot, it feels more comfortable to sleep facing the window, but in fact this opinion is wrong.
If the head of the bed in the bedroom is placed facing the window, at night there will be a lot of wind blowing into the room from the window gap, so if the wind blows directly at night, it is easy to catch a cold. Even if the summer weather is very hot, at night when the wind blows directly at night, it is easy to catch a cold, especially if there are young children and the elderly at home, the head of the bed in the bedroom cannot be placed facing the window.
The bed in the bedroom should not be placed facing the mirror
Many of you will pay attention to this issue, some people think that it is a matter of superstition. Actually it has nothing to do with that, the bed in the bedroom should not be placed opposite the mirror, the main reason is that when you wake up at night and look in the mirror, it is easy to panic, especially when you just opened your eyes and your consciousness is not very clear, it is easy to be scared by yourself.
In addition, a mirror should be placed opposite the bed in the bedroom, when sleeping at night, the moonlight is very easy to reflect directly into the mirror, which will affect our rest, the light at the head of the bed will also reflect into the mirror, which will make people feel very dazzling, affecting sleep.
The head of the bed in the bedroom should not be opposite the door
If the head of the bed in the bedroom is opposite the door, it is the same as not being opposite the window, the door, even if it is tightly sealed, will still have gaps, which is easy to ventilate, and it is easy to catch a cold when sleeping at night.
In addition, the headboard in the bedroom directly facing the door will cause noise problems. If family members come home late or get up at night to go to the bathroom, some noise will be emitted, affecting our sleep, especially for those who have trouble sleeping, this will affect sleep even more.
If you want to install a mirror in the bedroom, the homeowner should only place it on both sides of the headboard, but it is best not to place a mirror.
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