Unexpected benefits but few people know
Hanging a Towel on the Door Handle Before Bed: An Unexpectedly Useful Trick
Towels are essential in daily life, but they can also serve other purposes beyond drying. A simple trick—hanging a towel on the door handle at night—has surprising benefits that many people are unaware of. Once you know about it, you’ll want to try it immediately.
A Simple Bedroom Hack Using a Towel
Before going to bed, hang a towel on the door handle—a small action with unexpected advantages.
Steps to Follow:
Prepare a towel and a washbasin. Place the towel in the basin and add a small amount of white vinegar (regular kitchen vinegar is fine). Choose a towel with good absorbency.
Add a few drops of toilet cleaner into the basin. Then, pour in an appropriate amount of water, mix well, and soak the towel. Wring it out so it is damp but not dripping.
Hang the towel on a clothes hook, the door handle, or anywhere in the room.
This trick increases room humidity, reduces dryness, neutralizes odors, and improves air quality. Since the towel is soaked in vinegar, it has strong odor-absorbing properties, making it effective in removing unpleasant smells and repelling mosquitoes, especially at night.
The Benefits of Hanging a Towel on the Bedroom Door Handle
1. The Towel Acts as a Natural Air Humidifier
Recently, temperatures have been rising, making indoor spaces just as hot as the outdoors, especially in urban areas where buildings are close together, limiting green spaces. As a result, air conditioners have become essential.
However, prolonged air conditioning use dries out the air, leading to dry skin, throat irritation, and coughing. This happens because air conditioners remove moisture from the air, condensing it into water droplets that are expelled outside, leaving the indoor air excessively dry.
Using a damp towel as a natural humidifier helps counteract this dryness. The moisture in the towel gradually evaporates into the air, maintaining a comfortable humidity level. Adding essential oils or menthol oil to the towel creates a pleasant aroma while also repelling mosquitoes.
This method is simple, cost-effective, and practical, offering a great alternative to expensive humidifiers.
2. Removes Cigarette Smoke Odors
In addition to increasing humidity, hanging a vinegar-soaked towel on the door handle can effectively neutralize cigarette smoke odors.
Secondhand smoke is harmful, especially when inhaled over time. When guests smoke indoors, the smell can linger for hours, embedding itself in clothing, curtains, and furniture.
A simple solution is to hang a vinegar-infused towel in the living room. The acidity in vinegar interacts with nicotine in tobacco smoke, neutralizing it and eliminating odors quickly. Adding essential oils or menthol oil further enhances the freshness of the room.
Beyond cigarette smoke, the acetic acid in vinegar also absorbs and removes other unpleasant odors, keeping the air fresh and clean. Meanwhile, essential oils provide a long-lasting pleasant fragrance, ensuring a comfortable and odor-free environment.
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