Why do restaurants and hotels often put ice in their toilets?
"Whether at home or in public places, you are likely to visit your trusted friend—the toilet—several times a day.
However, it’s certainly much more comfortable to relax on a clean-looking toilet than having to 'sit' on a dirty, smelly one, right?
To solve the issue of lingering odors, a simple solution that many have suggested and applied is using ice cubes.
This method is particularly popular in the restrooms of restaurants and bars—places where cleaning and maintaining hygiene can be challenging, and deodorizing seems almost impossible. Guess which restrooms use the most ice cubes? That’s right—the men's restroom.
Why? Because, due to the standing position, men can sometimes unintentionally make a bit of a mess.
Some restrooms are even equipped with automatic flushing systems to prevent the 'forgetfulness' of some gentlemen after completing their noble mission, but even that isn’t always enough.
Ice cubes, however, can address this issue. When the toilet is filled with ice, the urine is cooled, eliminating the unpleasant odor. As the ice gradually melts, the cold water dilutes the ammonia solution, which then slowly flows down the drain."
Pouring ice water into the toilet will help reduce the evaporation of ammonia gas due to the cold environment and the amount of gas will dissolve with the ice water and go down the drain. Helps eliminate the foul smell of urine in the bathroom.
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