Trump Says He’ll ‘Negotiate’ Third Term Because He’s ‘Entitled’ To It

Trump Says He’ll ‘Negotiate’ Third Term Because He’s ‘Entitled’ To ItPA

Donald Trump told supporters at a Nevada rally he would ‘negotiate’ a third term in office because he’s ‘entitled’ to it. 


The United States is ruled by the Constitution, the ‘supreme law’ which the White House states is the ‘source of all government powers.’ The 22nd Amendment of this Constitution states that a person cannot be eligible for election to the office of president more than twice.

Presidents have followed this ruling since its inception in 1951, but Trump feels he should be exempt from the supreme law and that if he should get elected this year, he should be able to run again in 2024.

You can watch him discuss his intentions below:


The POTUS shared his thoughts on the matter during a rally in Minten, Nevada, on Saturday, September 12, when he confidently told the crowd that he was going to succeed in the upcoming November election.

He commented:

52 days from now we’re going to win Nevada, and we’re gonna win four more years in the White House.

And then after that, we’ll negotiate, right? Because we’re probably — based on the way we were treated — we are probably entitled to another four after that.

Trump is known for spouting unfounded information, and his suggestion that he is ‘entitled’ to another term because of how he was ‘treated’ is no different.

TrumpPA Images

He’s clearly fixated on the idea, however, because he made similar comments at a rally in Wisconsin last month, where he told the crowd he was going to ‘go for another four years because [the Left] spied on [his] campaign.’ He added: ‘We should get a redo of four years.’

The FBI has previously refuted any claims that Trump’s campaign was ‘spied on’, and his comments on Saturday suggest that he’s now relying on broader, less specific claims to support his point.

The ability to win a third term in office would first rely on Trump winning a second term, but his comments have alarmed critics who believe he isn’t joking about his desire to violate constitutional boundaries.

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Michael Cohen, a critic who used to be Trump’s fixer, said Trump believes he should be the ‘ruler’ or ‘dictator’ of the US and that he wants to ‘change the Constitution’, Forbes reports.

If Trump wins the November election, Cohen believes that he is ‘going to automatically, day number one, start thinking how he can change the Constitution for a third term, and then a fourth term.’

In order to change the supreme law, Trump would have to win the votes of a two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress or have two-thirds of state legislatures call a constitutional convention.

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