30 books to help you talk to your kids about racism

Talking to your kids about racism can be tough. Here are some books to help get them thinking about it.

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books that talk about racism 1 / 30 Photo: BNC CataList The Stone Thrower

Written by Jael Ealey Richardson and illustrated by Matt James, Groundwood Books (AGES 4-9) A children’s version of a book Richardson wrote about her dad, Chuck Ealey, The Stone Thrower tells the story of Chuck’s life growing up as black kid in a then-racially segregated Portsmouth, Ohio. Chuck loved football, and though he faced many challenges, including poverty and racial taunts, he had an unbeaten record as a quarterback in both high school and university due to his determination. Even with all of this talent, he wasn’t chosen to play that position in the NFL because of his race. Instead, he became a quarterback in the Canadian Football League, and in his first year, led his team (the Hamilton Tiger-Cats) to win the Grey Cup in 1972. $19, houseofanansi.com

Read more: 5 books to teach your kids about privilege and socioeconomic differences 16 kids’ books about refugees 12 kids’ books that combat anti-Semitism

FILED UNDER: Education Instagram Kids News racism

Link nguồn : https://www.todaysparent.com/family/books/kids-books-that-talk-about-racism